Allergies Medical Reference
Food Allergy Treatments in the Pipeline
- Food Allergy Checklist for Parents
Get tips that can help keep your child safe if he has a food allergy.
- How to Eat Out Safely When You Have a Food Allergy
Find out how to avoid the ingredients that set off your food allergy when you go to a restaurant.
- Anaphylactic Shock: What You Should Know
A serious allergy can cause anaphylactic shock within 15 minutes. Know the symptoms and what to do.
- Food Allergy Treatments in the Pipeline
Find out about the latest research that's testing new ways to treat food allergies.
- Food Allergy Checklist for Parents
Get tips that can help keep your child safe if he has a food allergy.
- How to Eat Out Safely When You Have a Food Allergy
Find out how to avoid the ingredients that set off your food allergy when you go to a restaurant.
- Navigating Systemic Mastocytosis: What to Know About Ayvakit
Ayvakit is a kinase inhibitor. Here’s how it treats systemic mastocytosis.
- What to Do if You Suspect a Skin Allergy
Is your skin itchy and red? If you think you have a skin allergy, here's what you should do to get diagnosed.
- Corn Allergies: What You Should Know
Corn allergies are rare compared to other food allergies. Find out about symptoms, substitutions, and how to avoid serious reactions.
- What to Know About Garlic Allergies
Learn more about garlic allergies, including the pros, cons, risks, and benefits, and how they may affect health.
- Neffy for Anaphylaxis
Neffy is a nasal spray. Here’s how it treats life-threatening allergic reactions.
- Cómo tratar la congestión nasal y la sinusitis
From home remedies to OTC medications, here’s how to ease nasal congestion and sinus pressure. Desde remedios caseros hasta medicamentos por venta libre que puedes encontrar en tu farmacia, descubre las mejores maneras de aliviar la congestión nasal y la sinusitis.
- Remedies for Hives
Learn home remedies and medical treatments to help ease your hives symptoms and speed up your recovery.
- Peanut Allergy
A peanut allergy triggers an immune response that can cause symptoms like hives, swelling, difficulty breathing, or anaphylaxis, requiring avoidance of peanuts and prompt treatment.
- Reducing the Risk of Food Allergies: How Xolair Can Help
Xolair is an injectable medicine. Here’s how it reduces food allergies.
- Treating Chronic Rhinosinusitis With Nasal Polyps With Xolair
Xolair is a subcutaneous injection. Here’s how it treats chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps.
- Dupixent for Chronic Rhinosinusitis With Nasal Polyps
Dupixent is an injectable medicine. Here's how it treats nasal polyps.
- How Auvi-Q Works for Severe Allergic Reactions
Auvi-Q is a voice-guided injection. Here’s how it treats severe allergic reactions.
- Sesame Allergy
Learn about sesame allergies, symptoms, diagnosis, and management options. Get expert advice on coping with sesame allergy challenges.
- Your Eosinophilic Esophagitis Care Team
Who’s on your care team when you have EoE? Learn more about who you can turn to for your various needs.
- Questions Your EoE Team May Ask
Your care team may ask you different questions. Come prepared for your EoE appointment with some of these important answers.
- Your EoE Appointment: Questions to Ask
These questions can help you navigate your EoE appointments so you’re empowered to manage your condition well.
- Expectations at Your Eosinophilic Esophagitis Appointment
Learn more about what to expect at your eosinophilic esophagitis appointment: tests, exams, questions, and other things to expect when you see your doctor.
- Find the Right Eosinophilic Esophagitis Specialist for You
It’s important to find the right eosinophilic esophagitis specialist for you. Learn about primary doctors, gastroenterologists, and allergists.
- Preparing for Your Eosinophilic Esophagitis Appointment
Learn more about what to gather and other ways to prepare for your eosinophilic esophagitis appointment.
- What Is a Corsi-Rosenthal Box?
The Corsi-Rosenthal box is an inexpensive air filter you can easily make yourself using a box fan. Learn how they work and get instructions for how to make one.
- Treating Your Skin Allergies at Home
You may be able to treat your skin itching and redness at home. Here's how to take care of your skin allergies with home treatment.
- Salicylate Allergy
If you're allergic to chemicals called salicylates, you may need to avoid certain foods, medicines, and products.
- What Is Skeeter Syndrome?
Learn what skeeter syndrome is, including symptoms, causes, and treatment options.
- What to Know About Pollen Count
Find out what you need to know about pollen count and discover how it may affect your health.
- What's the Difference Between First-Generation and Second-Generation Antihistamines?
Find out the differences between first-generation and second-generation antihistamines and discover the pros, cons, risks, benefits, and how taking these may affect health.
- What Is Alpha-Gal Syndrome?
Learn what alpha-gal syndrome is, what kind of ticks cause it, and how to treat it.
- How to Eat Out Safely When Your Child Has a Peanut Allergy
Learn tips for going to a restaurant safely when your child has a peanut allergy.
- What Is Cedar Fever?
Learn what cedar fever is, including its causes, symptoms, treatment, and more.
- What to Know About Gustatory Rhinitis
Find out what you need to know about gustatory rhinitis, and discover what causes it, how it's treated, and how it may affect health.
- What to Know About Diamine Oxidase (DAO) for Histamine Intolerance
Find out what you need to know about diamine oxidase, and discover the pros, cons, risks, and benefits, and how it may affect health.
- What to Know About Mustard Allergy
Can you be really allergic to mustard? Learn more about mustard allergy, how to manage it, prevent it, and the types of mustard that can cause allergic reactions.
- What to Know About a Chickpea Allergy
Find out what you need to know about chickpea allergies, and discover the risks, treatments, and how it may affect health.
- What to Know About Garlic Allergies
Learn more about garlic allergies, including the pros, cons, risks, and benefits, and how they may affect health.
- Remedies for Sinus Infection Pain
Learn home remedies and medical treatments to help ease sinus infection pain at home.
- Remedies for an Itchy Throat
Remedies for itchy and sore throats focus on decreasing inflammation and irritation of the throat, as well as secondary symptoms like coughing.
- Systemic Mastocytosis
Systemic mastocytosis can lead to itchy skin, headaches, and more. Learn the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments for this condition, which causes a buildup in your body of too many mast cells -- a type of white blood cell.
- Tongue Swelling: Causes of Swollen Tongue
A swollen tongue may have many different causes. Find out the most common reasons and how to handle them.
- Am I Allergic to My Clothes?
Do your clothes make you itch or give you a rash? You may might be allergic to the dyes and other chemicals in them. Learn how to treat it and feel better.
- What Surgery Fixes a Perforated Nasal Septum?
Surgery can fix a hole your nasal septum, but you might not need it. Find out when you might get it, what happens during it, and what to expect as you recover.
- Do I Need Surgery for Sinusitis?
Do you have sinus problems that won’t go away? Find out if you need surgery to breathe better.
- Why Aren’t My Allergies Improving?
Why aren’t your allergies getting better?
- Hay Fever 101
All you need to know about hay fever symptoms and treatment.
- Allergies in Babies and Toddlers
Many things can make babies and toddlers cough, sneeze, or have hives. Find out about the most common types of childhood allergies and how to spot the warning signs.