Breast Cancer Slideshows
Care for Your Emotions with HR+/HER2- Early Breast Cancer
- Palliative Care for Women of Color with mBC
Palliative care can help with physical and emotional effects of metastatic breast cancer. But many aren’t aware of it. Learn how this care can help you.
- Managing the Anxiety of a Breast Cancer Diagnosis
It’s natural for a breast cancer diagnosis to cause anxiety. Here are steps you can take to help manage it.
- Protect Yourself From Infection During Breast Cancer: 10 Tips
When you are fighting cancer, your body is not as able to fight off germs. Learn how you can protect yourself from infection during this time.
- Adjusting to Body Changes After Breast Cancer Treatment
Breast cancer treatment changes you mentally, physically, and emotionally. Here’s what to expect and how to handle it.
- Tips to Boost Intimacy and Sex Life After Breast Cancer Treatment
Having and treating breast cancer may change your relationship with sex and intimacy. Here are ways to build both up post-treatment.
- Surprising Things That Can Help During and After Breast Cancer Treatment
Supportive care is an important part of your breast cancer treatment -- here are some things that can ease side effects and help you feel your best.
- Tips for Getting Through Treatment for mTNBC
Metastatic triple-negative breast cancer has a big impact on your mental and emotional health. Here’s how to thrive – not just survive – during treatment.
- Honoring Your Emotions with Early HER2-Positive Breast Cancer
A lot of strong feelings come with a breast cancer diagnosis. Here’s how to process them and support your mental health during treatment and beyond.
- Advances in Breast Cancer Detection and Treatment
Researchers are constantly developing new ways to detect and treat breast cancer. Learn what’s new in screening and treatmen
- 12 Texts That Got Me and Can Get You Through Breast Cancer Treatment
These 12 text messages got me through my year of surgery, chemo, and radiation and will hopefully do the same for you.
- 10 Things You Should Know About Oncoplastic Breast Surgery
Learn about using oncoplastic surgery for breast cancer treatment.
- 12 Things a Breast Cancer Survivor Wants You to Know in the Early Hours of Your Diagnosis
Things I wish I had heard in the early hours of receiving a breast cancer diagnosis.
- 9 Surprising Benefits of Pet Ownership for Breast Cancer
Owning a pet can help you ease stress and anxiety, manage high blood pressure, and stay active, even when you have breast cancer.
- Making the Most of Treatment For Early-Stage Breast Cancer
Here are a few ways to manage the physical and emotional effects of early-stage breast cancer treatment.
- Living Your Best With Advanced Breast Cancer
Get expert advice on ways to live -- and thrive -- with advanced breast cancer.
- Visual Guide to Male Breast Cancer
Breast cancer isn't just a woman's disease. Learn about the symptoms and treatment of male breast cancer, and find out what can put you at risk for this cancer.
- Celebrities Who’ve Had Breast Cancer
Celebrities face medical challenges too, including breast cancer. Find out how actors, entertainers, and other famous people dealt with their big health challenges.
- Everyday Habits to Lower Breast Cancer Risk
Concerned about your breast cancer risk? Here are everyday health habits you can adopt to improve your odds.
- Diet Tips for Breast Cancer
No single food or diet plan prevents breast cancer, but what you eat plays a role in how likely you are to get the disease or whether or not it comes back once you’ve had it.
- What You Need at Home
There are ways to make life easier for you at home. Get ideas that you can start to use today.
- What People with Breast Cancer Wish You Knew
Someone you know has breast cancer. You want to understand what they’re going through so you know what to say or do. Here’s what people who have it want you to know.
- A Visual Guide to Lymphedema
Extra fluid can build up and cause swelling when there's a problem with your lymphatic system. Find out when it's likely to happen, how to treat it, and more.
- Slideshow: Where Breast Cancer Spreads
See how breast cancer metastasis affects the body, possible symptoms, and treatment.
- A Visual Guide to Breast Cancer
This overview covers the breast cancer experience, including symptoms, tests, treatments, recovery, and prevention. Pictures show breast structure and tumors.