Depression Slideshows
- Maybe It’s Something Else: 10 Things That Can Look Like Depression But Aren’t
Is it depression or something else? There are many disorders that can look like depression but aren’t — learn what those are and how to detect them.
- Beat the Blues: 10 Positive Skills to Combat Depression
Are you depressed? You can beat the blues with these 10 positive skills to combat depression.
- Know the Difference: 8 Ways to Distinguish Between Depression and Anxiety
Learn the differences between depression and anxiety, including risk factors, symptoms, and treatment options for both.
- Coping Strategy: 10 Suggestions to Get You Through a Bad Depression Day
Learn coping strategies to get you through a tough depression day.
- Breaking Through: 8 High-Tech Treatments for Chronic Depression
Find out about new technological breakthroughs in treating chronic depression.
- Taking the Journey of Major Depressive Disorder One Step At A Time
When you have major depressive disorder, what you do for yourself makes a difference. Experts and advocates share tips to make your journey easier.
- Lifestyle Tips to Help Improve Your Major Depressive Disorders
Find out how eating well, exercise, and other lifestyle strategies can help boost your mood.
- Non-Medicine Treatment Options to Help Major Depressive Disorder
Lots of people take medication to ease depression symptoms. Adding talk therapy, exercise, and other treatments can help, too. Here’s what you need to know.
- Easy Habits That Can Improve Your Mental Health
Ever feel miles away from a happy place? Try these science-proven tips to improve your mood, cut stress, and put some spring back in your step.
- Visual Guide to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Do you find yourself getting depressed as winter approaches each year? Or when you don't see the sun for a while? You may have seasonal affective disorder, or SAD. Learn all the symptoms and how to manage them.
- Types of Depression
Depression is more than just feeling down. It takes many forms. Learn more about those forms here.
- Foods to Avoid If You Have Anxiety or Depression
Feeling a little jittery? It could be something you ate. Learn the foods to avoid if you’re anxious or depressed.
- Use Exercise to Help Depression
When you’re depressed, it can be hard to do anything. But if you can get yourself to exercise regularly, you may find you feel a bit better.
- Foods That Help Fight Depression
Your diet won’t cure depression, but some foods might give your body a little help in fighting it.
- Celebrities With Depression
A number of celebrities admit to having depression and struggling with sadness.
- Help Your Depression Treatment Work
Get tips on dealing with depression. See how you can get more from your depression medicine -- including exercise, diet, and supplement information.
- Myths and Facts About Therapy
False ideas scare many people away from a therapist and the quick relief these helping pros can provide. See if you can tell the myths from the facts in this slideshow from our medical editors.
- Slideshow: Physical Symptoms of Depression
Does your depression make you hurt? See the physical symptoms of depression -- like sleep problems, chest pain, fatigue, and headaches.
- Slideshow: Myths and Facts About Depression
Folk remedies and half-truths still prevent many from getting treatment for depression. Pictures show unusual symptoms in men, seniors, and others, along with many ways to recover.
- 11 Warning Signs of a Depression Relapse
See some signs depression may be back. Learn when sadness, sleeping habits, irritability, and more may be signs to seek help for depression.
- Surprising Signs of Depression Slideshow
Worried you may be depressed or that a loved one needs help? See some signs of depression beyond sadness and trouble sleeping -- and when to seek help.
- Finding Support When You Have Treatment-Resistant Depression
When you're being treated for depression, it's especially important to have personal and emotional support. Here are eight types of support that may help.
- 10 Triggers for Holiday Blues
10 holiday depression and stress triggers, and ways to cope. From anxiety over bills to social commitments and travel, see how to manage holiday stress.
- Unexpected Benefits of Depression Treatment
Depression treatment can improve more than your mood. This WebMD slide show explains how antidepressants and therapy can improve sleep, relationships and more when you are depressed.
- What You Should Know About Your Antidepressants
Antidepressants can boost your mood and make everyday life easier. Here’s what you need to know.
- Depression Overview Slideshow
What is depression? WebMD provides information on symptoms, tests, and treatments for many types of the disorder.
- 17 Everyday Ways to Ease Depression
The right exercise, diet, and activities -- even playing with a pet -- can help you recover from depression. Watch this slideshow to see simple things you can do to improve your mood.