Eczema Medical Reference
Cibinqo for Atopic Dermatitis
- Adbry for Atopic Dermatitis: What You Need to Know
Adbry is an injectable biologic. Here’s how it treats atopic dermatitis.
- Opzelura Explained: How This JAK Inhibitor Cream Treats Eczema
Opzelura is a topical cream. Here’s how it treats atopic dermatitis.
- Treating Atopic Dermatitis With Dupixent
Dupixent is an injectable biologic medicine. Here’s how it helps atopic dermatitis.
- Eczema Symptoms
Could your itchy rash be a symptom of eczema? WebMD explains the symptoms of eczema and provides questions to ask your doctor about the condition.
- Eczema Home Treatment
WebMD provides you with home remedies to care for eczema, an itchy skin condition.
- Eczema and Stress: 7 Ways to Get Relief
Stress can make eczema worse. In fact, a branch of medicine, called psychodermatology, examines how the mind affects the skin.
- Eczema: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
Eczema is term for a group of medical conditions that cause the skin to become inflamed or irritated. WebMD explains its causes, symptoms, treatment, and prevention.
- What Can an Allergen-Specific Test Tell You About Atopic Dermatitis?
Are food allergies behind your atopic dermatitis flares? Find out how an allergen-specific IgE test may fit into your treatment plan.
- Dermatitis atópica vs. dermatitis de contacto
¿Sabes si tu brote con picazón es la dermatitis atópica o la dermatitis de contacto? Obtén más información sobre los síntomas para que sepas las diferencias.
- Las causas del eccema
Obtén más información sobre las causas y los desencadenantes del eccema.
- La salud mental y la dermatitis atópica
Las personas con dermatitis atópica tienen tasas más altas de ansiedad, estrés y depresión. Descubre cómo puedes encontrar alivio.
- La dermatitis atópica: el sexo y la intimidad
Estos consejos pueden ayudar a que controles los síntomas del eccema para que puedas disfrutar de tu vida íntima.
- Cómo superar las barreras y seguir el tratamiento de la dermatitis atópica
Es importante seguir el plan de tratamiento para el eccema que te provee tu médico. Los siguientes consejos te pueden ayudar.
- Getting the Best Care Possible for Atopic Dermatitis
Learn more about how to take charge of your health so you get the best treatment and support for atopic dermatitis despite the barriers that exist.
- How to Treat Atopic Dermatitis
Treatments to manage atopic dermatitis (eczema) symptoms may include prescription and over-the-counter medications and skin care. Learn more.
- What Is Atopic Dermatitis?
Eczema can cause inflammation, itching, and redness in areas of the skin. The most common type is atopic dermatitis. Learn more.
- Natural Methods of Treatment for Atopic Dermatitis
Natural or home remedies can help manage atopic dermatitis (eczema) symptoms, but check with your doctor before trying any home remedies.
- Atopic Dermatitis in the Latino Community
Atopic dermatitis (eczema) is less common in Latinos, but it can be more severe or persistent in this group than in White people. Learn more.
- Cómo obtener la mejor atención médica posible para la dermatitis atópica
Obtén más información sobre cómo recibir el mejor tratamiento y apoyo para la dermatitis atópica (o el eccema) a pesar de las barreras que existen.
- Remedios naturales para la dermatitis atópica (el eccema)
Los remedios naturales o caseros pueden ayudar a controlar los síntomas de la dermatitis atópica (o el eccema), pero primero consulta con tu médico.
- Tratamientos para la dermatitis atópica (el eccema)
Los tratamientos para controlar los síntomas de la dermatitis atópica (o el eccema) pueden incluir medicamentos con y sin receta y cuidados de la piel.
- Cómo afecta la dermatitis atópica a las personas latinas
En los EE. UU., la dermatitis atópica es menos común en los latinos, pero puede ser más serio o persistente en este grupo que en personas de raza blanca.
- ¿Qué es la dermatitis atópica (el eccema)?
El eccema puede causar inflamación, picazón y enrojecimiento en áreas de la piel. El tipo más común es la dermatitis atópica. Obtén más información.
- The Emotional Toll Atopic Dermatitis Can Have on Children
Atopic dermatitis symptoms can affect your child’s emotions just as much as their skin. Here’s what you need to know so you can help.
- Soothing Your Child’s Atopic Dermatitis
When your child has an atopic dermatitis flare, you need to soothe their symptoms – fast. Here’s how to calm their skin and get back them to being a kid.
- Treatment Options for Your Child's Moderate to Severe Atopic Dermatitis
Moderate to severe atopic dermatitis may need prescription treatments. Learn which ones may be right for your child.
- Identifying Your Child’s Atopic Dermatitis Triggers
Many things can cause itchy skin in children, and a common one is atopic dermatitis. Here are some common triggers and how to recognize them.
- How Atopic Dermatitis Appears Across Skin Tones
Atopic dermatitis affects children of all skin tones but can look different, depending on their skin color. Learn what you and your doctor should look for.
- Ways to Overcome Barriers and Stick With Treatment for Atopic Dermatitis
When it comes to treating eczema, it is vital to stick to the plan provided by a health care professional. Here are some tips to making it work for you.
- What Is the Best Soap for Eczema?
Eczema is an irritating skin condition that can be triggered by a wide variety of things. Learn how to find a soap that will soothe eczema and help prevent flare-ups.
- Traveling When You Have Moderate to Severe Atopic Dermatitis
With some extra planning and preparation, you can still enjoy traveling with your atopic dermatitis. Check with your doctor and try these travel tips.
- Treating Your Moderate to Severe Atopic Dermatitis
Not all atopic dermatitis (AD) gets better with topical treatment. But you’ll still have lots of options to treat your moderate to severe AD.
- Beneath the Skin: Mental Health and Atopic Dermatitis
Research suggests that people with atopic dermatitis have higher rates of anxiety, stress, and depression. Here’s how to break this vicious cycle and find relief.
- Home Remedies for Severe Atopic Dermatitis
Moderate to severe atopic dermatitis can make it hard for you to live your life, even with treatment. These home remedies can help.
- How Eczema Affects Darker Skin Tones
Anyone can get eczema, which causes dry, inflamed, itchy skin. It is harder to diagnose in people with darker skin tones. Learn about other differences.
- Why Eczema Treatments Fail
You aren’t getting results from your eczema treatment. Why? Learn some of the reasons that this can happen and what you can do about it.
- Complications of Severe Eczema
Severe eczema is more than just itchy skin. It can lead to infections, asthma, and even food allergies.
- Biologics for Atopic Dermatitis
Is it time to try biologics for your AD? Find out what they are, how they work, and what to expect.
- Atopic Dermatitis vs. Contact Dermatitis
Is your itchy, red rash atopic dermatitis or contact dermatitis? Find out the differences, causes, and what triggers can set off a flare.
- Weeping Eczema
Weeping eczema is a problem stemming from eczema where your skin oozes clear or straw-colored liquid. Read more about the symptoms, causes, and treatment.
- Eczema and Molluscum Contagiosum
Eczema and molluscum contagiosum are two skin conditions that can be tough to tell apart. Here’s a closer look at what makes them different.
- Acupuncture and Acupressure for Atopic Dermatitis
There’s growing interest in acupuncture and acupressure and its benefits for eczema. But does it really work? Here’s a quick look.
- Eczema Can Affect Us All, but Some More Than Others
Eczema affects all races, ethnicities, genders, and ages. But it can be less or more common in specific groups. Learn more about how it could affect you.
- Chemicals to Avoid When You Have Severe Eczema
They may be in the air you breathe and even your shampoo. Here are some key culprits and steps to limit your exposure.
- Sleep Tips for Severe Eczema
The itching of a serious eczema flare can keep you up at night. Tips on bathing, moisturizing, and sleep hygiene, and how your bedroom environment can help.
- Best Exercises When You Have Atopic Dermatitis
Exercise is a key to good health, but for some, it can trigger atopic dermatitis flares. Here’s how to stay active and still protect your skin.
- Eczema and Cellulitis
Learn how to tell the difference between the two conditions, as well as how they’re connected.
- Immunomodulators for Atopic Dermatitis
What are immunomodulators, and when might your doctor recommend one for atopic dermatitis?
- Atopic Dermatitis: Sex and Intimacy
Eczema can make intimacy a challenge. Try these tips to manage your condition, embrace your body, and enjoy more intimate moments.