1 of 4 / Overview & Symptoms
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What Is a Stroke?
Disruptions of blood circulation to the brain may result in a stroke. It occurs in two forms, both potentially life-threatening.
Warning Signs
You're more likely to have one or more sudden warning signs like numbness or weakness, confusion, dizziness, or severe headache.
Stroke Symptoms
If you or someone with you exhibits signs of a stroke, do not delay. Timely treatment is critical to survival and recovery.
Types of Stroke
There are three major kinds of stroke: ischemic, hemorrhagic, and transient ischemic attack (TIA) -- with different symptoms.
2 of 4 / Causes & Complications
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What Puts You at Risk?
You can change or manage some things that put you at risk for a stroke, such as high blood pressure and smoking.
How Can I Prevent Stroke?
To reduce your chances of stroke, adopt habits that promote cardiovascular health and deter hardening of the arteries.
Stroke-Related Dementia
In the U.S., stroke-related cognitive decline, vascular dementia, is the second most common form of dementia after Alzheimer's.
Vascular Dementia
What happens when someone has vascular dementia? Learn more about its causes, symptoms, and treatment.
3 of 4 / Diagnosis & Treatment
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Identifying and Treating Stroke
With stroke, a doctor must confirm the symptoms, identify the type of stroke, its location, and the extent of brain damage.
Thrombolysis is a treatment to dissolve clots in blood vessels, improve blood flow, and prevent damage to tissues and organs.
Stroke Rehabilitation
In stroke rehab, a team of health professionals works with you to regain skills you lost as the result of a stroke.
4 of 4 / Living With
View AllSuggested Reads about Stroke
Symptoms of a Stroke
It’s very important to know the symptoms of a stroke, so you can get help quickly. F.A.S.T. is an acronym that will help point out the warning signs.
10 Ways You Can Avoid Getting a Stroke
What simple changes can you make to lower your chances of getting a stroke?
Stroke Risk Risking in Young and Middle-Aged Adults
Some types of stroke are becoming more common in people younger than you might expect. Find out what helps lower your stroke risk.
Recovering From a Stroke: What May Help
Stroke is a leading cause of disability. But physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy may help. And medications, lifestyle changes, and surgery may help prevent another one.
Top Search Terms for Stroke
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