1 of 5 / Overview
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What Is Hepatitis?
There are five kinds of hepatitis. Each has different causes, with one commonality: Hepatitis causes your liver to get inflamed.
Understanding Hepatitis -- Symptoms
It's possible you might have hepatitis and not realize it at first. Sometimes there aren't any symptoms.
Hepatitis and Sex: Frequently Asked Questions
Hepatitis disease can also sometimes be spread through sexual contact. Here’s what you need to know to protect yourself.
Hepatitis and Pregnancy: What to Know
Hepatitis is a type of infection that can seriously damage your liver. And if you’re pregnant, you can pass it on to your newborn.
2 of 5 / Types
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Types of Hepatitis: A, B, and C
Viral hepatitis is an inflammation of your liver that's caused by a virus. The most common ones in the U.S. are hep A, B, and C.
Hepatitis A (Hep A)
Hepatitis A is a contagious liver infection caused by the hepatitis A virus. The virus usually isn’t dangerous.
Hepatitis A Symptoms
Hepatitis A can make you feel like you have the flu. The first symptoms show up 15-50 days after contact with the virus.
Hepatitis A Treatments, Complications, and Prognosis
Unlike other types, the hepatitis A virus is rarely dangerous. Almost everyone who gets it makes a full recovery.
3 of 5 / Tests & Diagnosis
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Anti-Smooth Muscle Antibody Test
An anti-smooth muscle antibody test is a blood test that detects autoantibodies that attack the smooth muscle cells in the body.
What Is the APRI Score?
APRI is short for aspartate aminotransferase to platelet ratio index. Doctors use it to to measure your liver health.
4 of 5 / Treatment
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Understanding Hepatitis -- Diagnosis and Treatment
The treatment for viral hepatitis depends on the type and stage of the infection. Improved treatments are always being evaluated.
Liver Transplantation
A liver transplant is a surgical procedure that replaces someone’s diseased liver with all or part of a healthy one from a donor.
Who Can Donate a Liver?
If you want to donate part of your liver to someone who needs a new one, you'll need to check to see if you've got the right profile.
Living Liver Transplants: Pairing Donor and Recipient
If you want to donate part of your liver to someone who needs a transplant, the two of you must be a good match.
5 of 5 / Hepatitis C
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What Is the Hepatitis C Incubation Period?
During the incubation period, doctors may not be able to detect that you have hep C until weeks or months after you get the virus.
Breastfeeding With Hepatitis C
When you have hepatitis C, you may feel uncertain about the decision to breastfeed your baby.
Hepatitis C in Infants, Children, and Teens
You might think that hepatitis C only happens in adults, but children get the liver disease, too.
Hepatitis C Symptoms and Early Warning Signs
Hepatitis C is a sneaky virus. You may not have any symptoms at all. Most people don’t.
Suggested Reads about Hepatitis
Things to Avoid With Hepatitis C
Are there foods, medications, or habits that you should avoid when you have hepatitis C? Learn about the effects of alcohol, iron supplements, shellfish, and more.
Video on How Hepatitis C Treatments Work
There’s a new treatment for this liver disease. How does it work to fight the Hep C virus?
Hep C: What to Know About Your Relationship and Condition
You can enjoy a healthy relationship while you have hep C. Learn what steps you need to take to make it happen.
How the Hep C Cure Works
Medication can cure your hep C in a matter of weeks. Find out how it works to heal you.
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