Lupus Videos
My Story: A Virtual Perspective
- Myths & Facts: Lupus
Myths persist about this autoimmune condition that can lead to delays in diagnosis and effective treatment.
- Health Check: Lupus
No two cases of lupus are exactly alike but an understanding of potential complications can help you manage more effectively.
- 5 Must-Know Lupus Facts
Most people diagnosed with lupus are women. Get to know more about this autoimmune disease.
- Fast Facts About Lupus
Lupus happens when your immune system attacks healthy body parts. What clues point to this disease, and does a cure exist?
- The Basics: Lupus
How do you get lupus, a disease that attacks your immune system? And what can you do about it?
- Applying for Disability with Lupus
An inside look at the complexities of applying for social security disability when you have lupus.
- Lupus Secret Language
Learn about the secret language of lupus and how to communicate to those who don't understand.
- We Are Lupus Survivors
Learn what it takes to live a good life despite lupus from some true survivors
- Outing Your Lupus
A frank discussion on how to tell co-workers, friends and extended family about your lupus diagnosis.
- Coping with Depression
Even lupus survivors have to battle the blues. Listen to our lupus community conversation for tips on how to cope.
- Managing Lupus Meds
Managing your lupus medications is so important to living well with lupus. Get tips from Christine Miserandino and others with lupus.
- Lupus Beauty Tips
Listen in to girl talk about how to deal with steroid moon face, thinning hair and other challenges of living with lupus medications.
- Lupus and Sleep
Join this girls pajama party to get the tips you need to sleep better while living with lupus.
- Lupus Care
What is lupus like from the other side? Find out what caregivers need and want from their loved ones with lupus.
- Lupus Brain Fog
Tips on how to cope with one of the most frustrating symptoms of lupus.
- Advice for Newly Diagnosed
What would old timers tell someone newly diagnosed with lupus? Join Christine Miserandino and a group of lupus survivors for sage advice.
- Dating with Lupus
It's tough! Listen in to this honest and open conversation about the ups and downs of dating with a chronic disease.
- Living with Lupus
Lupus, an autoimmune disorder that affects more than 250,000 people in the U.S., strikes mostly women. It is most debilitating during the childbearing years.