Rheumatoid Arthritis Videos
How I Manage Daily Activities With RA
- Defining Functional Disability
Functional disability – difficulty doing daily tasks – is common with rheumatoid arthritis. So what are the keys to remain as active and independent as possible?
- Is Your Case Difficult to Treat?
Not reaching your treatment goals? Even with difficult-to-treat RA, there are a wide range of therapies available. It just takes time and trial and error.
- Parenting With RA
“I’ve always been open and honest with my daughter about the fact that I have an autoimmune disease,” Kenya Reeves-Costa says. She’s “her mini RA warrior.”
- The Link Between RA and Mental Health Issues
Roughly a quarter of people with RA will have depression and/or anxiety, says rheumatologist Kelly Weselman. It’s common, but it’s also manageable.
- Precision Medicine for RA
Finding the right drug for RA is currently by trial and error. With advancements in precision medicine, rheumatologists want to take out the guesswork.
- Choosing the Right Medication
There’s no known cure yet. Instead, treatment focuses on stopping progression of the disease.
- Treat-to-Target Strategy
Patients and their doctors often rely on setting goals first and then forming a treatment plan.
- Lesson 8 of 8: Complementary and Alternative Therapies
A number of practices for the mind and body, like yoga and massage, can ease pain.
- Lesson 7 of 8: Sticking to Your Medication Regimen
RA meds are the path to remission, but can you ever take less? Or even a drug holiday?
- Aiming for Remission
Remission is possible. Far from just getting through the day, tools and medicines are available that can completely quiet your RA.
- Lesson 6 of 8: Understanding Biologics
In recent years, there’s been a revolution in DMARDS available, driven largely by genetically engineered proteins that target your immune system.
- RA and Heart Disease
Aside from your joints, inflammation can spread to other organs, the most serious being your heart.
- Lifestyle Changes Make a Difference
Medications are the backbone of therapy for RA, but they often work better when combined with healthy habits.
- Signs Your DMARD Isn’t Working
What approach will your rheumatologist take if your DMARD isn’t helping to calm your inflammation from RA?
- Give Your Biologic a Boost
A list of everyday habits you can do to build up your immunity and keep your RA in check.
- Reasons to Pause Your Biologic
A rheumatologist covers all four reasons you may need to pause your RA biologic, whether it’s by injection, infusion, or pill.
- Precautions to Take With Biologics
Biologics are well-tolerated, so there are only a few things to watch out for.
- When Your RA Biologic Stops Working
Chances are you’re going to have to change RA treatments over time. Where will your doctor turn when your biologic becomes less effective?
- Countdown: Alternative Methods to Manage RA Joint Pain (Feb)
Medication and surgery are traditional ways to treat RA, but there are also complementary methods from tai chi to massage to manage the pain.
- Health Check: Foods & Diet that Help RA Symptoms (Feb)
Medication is not the only answer for RA pain. Certain foods are known to soothe stiffness and feed your muscles.
- Hot and Cold Therapy for RA
Both hot and cold temperatures provide relief to painful joints. Stimulate your body’s own healing powers with things like hot tubs and ice packs.
- How My Rheumatoid Arthritis Progressed
Laura Helms remembers how RA crept up on her in college, going from a stiff ankle to a swollen knee to an official diagnosis at a young age.
- Tips to Make Life With RA Easier
Everyday strategies around diet and rest can tame the tide on your RA symptoms.
- Best Foods for Rheumatoid Arthritis
From beans to cherries, try these nutrient-packed foods to tamp down inflammation.
- Inside the Visit With a Rheumatologist
Kiara Gutierrez talks with her doctor, Tien-I Su, MD, about her journey with RA medications, stiff joints, drug side effects, and more.
- The Benefits of Pilates and a Positive Attitude With RA
With an infectious mindset, Monica Blake teaches others how to tame pain and adversity with exercise classes and a fighting spirit.
- Arming Yourself Against the Stigma of RA
Discrimination and rude comments targeted at your RA can cause embarrassment or worse. We’ll help you make a plan for these uncomfortable situations.
- Myths and Facts: Rheumatoid Arthritis
There is a lot of misinformation about rheumatoid arthritis out there. Watch to learn the truth about this autoimmune disorder.
- The History of RA Treatment
From leeches to whale carcasses, early treatments for rheumatoid arthritis were not ideal. But we’ve come a long way in easing pain and inflammation for people with RA.
- DMARDs vs Biologics: Different Treatments for RA
These effective prescriptions in treating rheumatoid arthritis both involve your immune system. But what are the differences between the two?
- How Are Biologics Given?
Biologics are given different ways, meant to calm your immune system and slow your RA down. So how do you take them?
- Inside a Damaged Joint
Rheumatoid arthritis makes your joints sore and less flexible. It happens when your immune system attacks the lining of your joints by mistake.
- How RA Progresses
One of the first symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis is pain and/or swelling in your joints, but it will progress without proper treatment.
- How JAK Inhibitors Work
JAK inhibitors are pills that can tamp down the inflammation of RA. But how exactly do they help relieve your symptoms?
- Your Treatment Journey for Moderate to Severe RA
From corticosteroids to biologics, there are several treatments that can help ease your symptoms and keep moderate to severe RA from getting worse.
- What Are Anti-Drug Antibodies?
There are many different treatment options to help soothe the inflammation of RA. But how can anti-drug antibodies keep them from working?
- Inside the Visit: Rheumatoid Arthritis
After a recent flare-up, Jessica Soza talks to her rheumatologist about her joint swelling and stiffness, as well as ways to prevent pain and future damage.
- How Do You Take Biologics for RA?
Biologics target the causes of joint inflammation and damage to ease RA pain. But what form of drug are we talking about -- a pill, a shot?
- DMARDs vs. Biologics for RA
Both of these medications control rheumatoid arthritis by lowering the inflammation that fuels it. But what are the differences between them?
- The Benefits and Side Effects of RA Medications
The pros and cons of NSAIDs, DMARDs, corticosteroids, and biologics for RA inflammation.
- Joint Replacement for RA: What to Know
When and why is joint replacement surgery the recommended treatment for RA? Take a look at how the damaged cartilage is replaced with a new joint.
- A Pianist Changes Her Tune
Andrea Avery’s plan to play piano changed course after rheumatoid arthritis damaged the joints in her fingers. But she found another path to fulfill her passion for music.
- Running the Race With RA
Chulwon Park couldn’t figure out why he kept falling in boot camp. After a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis, he found his stride and learned how to run without putting a ton of strain on his joints.
- In Good Shape
After symptoms interfered with her schoolwork and cheerleading, Haley Lisenba thought RA would keep her from an active lifestyle. But she hit the gym and joined fitness competitions to challenge herself.
- Inside a Hand With Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis happens when your body’s immune system attacks its own tissue, including the joints. Take an inside look at a hand.
- No Laughing Matter
Although a doctor and son of a doctor, it took Matt over a year to be diagnosed.
- Tips From an Occupational Therapist
Here are simple tricks to help with writing, dressing, and everyday tasks when the joints in your hands are stiff and swollen.
- Habits That Can Make Your RA Worse
What could trigger an RA flare? The answer isn't the same for everyone, but take note of some things to avoid.
- The Basics: Combination Therapy for RA
If taking one RA medication doesn't help pain go away, your doctor may recommend two or more medications as a more effective way to manage pain and prevent further joint damage.