Sexual Conditions Medical Reference
Todo sobre la clamidia: identifica los síntomas
- What Is Blue Waffle?
“Blue waffle” is an online hoax about a sexually transmitted infection (STI) affecting women. Here’s how to spot health misinformation and get the real facts.
- What to Know About Sexual Obsessions and OCD
Find out what you need to know about sexual obsessions and sexually intrusive thoughts and their causes, symptoms, treatment, and more.
- What to Know About At-Home STD Tests
Find out what you need to know about testing for STDs at home. Learn about the tests available, how to use them, and how often.
- What Is Congenital Syphilis?
Congenital syphilis happens when a baby gets syphilis from their mother. If untreated, it can cause severe health issues for your baby. Read more here.
- What Is Granuloma Inguinale (Donovanosis)?
What is Donovanosis? It’s a flesh-eating bacterial infection that is spread through sexual contact.
- What You Need to Know About Flavored Condoms
Learn everything you need to know about flavored condoms and how they may affect your health, including the pros and cons as well as the risks and benefits.
- What Is an RPR Test?
An RPR test is a screening for syphilis. Learn how it works, what to expect, and more.
- What Is Chancroid?
Chancroid is a sexually transmitted disease. Learn about the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for this condition today.
- Why Do I Have a Rash on My Penis?
A rash … down there? It can happen. Find out why, and when you should see a doctor.
- What Is a Desire Disorder?
If you’re distressed by a lack of libido and interest in sex, including even thinking about sex, it may be desire disorder. Also called HSDD, it can have physical or emotional causes, or be linked to your hormones or medications. Find out how your doctor or therapist can treat desire disorder so you’ll want to get back in the sack.
- Why Do I Have a Rash Near My Vagina?
Do you have a rash near your vagina? Find out what can cause the redness, bumps, or blisters.
- How Do I Know If I Have Syphilis?
Think you might have syphilis? Only your doctor can tell you for sure. This article examines the tests your doctors will use to check for this common sexually transmitted disease (STD).
- What Are the Types and Stages of Syphilis?
Syphilis is a common sexually transmitted disease (STD) that unfolds in stages. Learn what they are and how to recognize them.
- What Problems Can Syphilis Cause?
Syphilis is easily treated with antibiotics. If you have this STD and don’t get treated, it can lead to a number of serious -- even life-threatening -- conditions.
- What Complications Can Gonorrhea Cause?
Gonorrhea is a common -- but easily curable -- sexually transmitted disease (STD). If you have it and aren’t treated, it could lead to a number of serious complications.
- Gonorrhea: Signs and Symptoms
What are the signs and symptoms of gonorrhea? Learn what to look for and when to see a doctor.
- What Are the Symptoms of Syphilis?
The symptoms of syphilis may be visible or invisible, but they’re serious if left untreated. Learn how to recognize some of the symptoms and how they can progress if untreated.
- Gonorrhea
Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease. Get the facts from WebMD about gonorrhea, including what causes it and how to prevent it.
- What's the Treatment for Gonorrhea?
If you think you or your partner has gonorrhea, get tested right away. It can be easily cured -- typically with just two types of antibiotics.
- What's the Treatment for Trichomoniasis?
The good news with trichmoniasis is that it’s very treatable. Learn about treatment options, how well they work, and what to do if you’re pregnant.
- Trichomoniasis (Trich)
Trichomoniasis is a very common STD. It's also very treatable. Learn more about what it is, how you could get it, and how to help prevent it.
- Trichomoniasis Symptoms
When you get trichomoniasis, it doesn’t exactly announce itself with a clear set of symptoms. Learn the signs and symptoms to look for, when to see your doctor, and what tests you might need.
- Antibiotic-Resistant STDs: FAQ
What can be done as gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia cases rise and the sexually transmitted diseases become harder to treat because of antibiotic resistance?
- What Is Mycoplasma Genitalium?
What are the symptoms and treatment of the STD mycoplasma genitalium?
- Most Common STDs for Women and Men
The possibility of infections and diseases are as much a part of sex as the fun is. Recognizing the symptoms is a start, but you won't always notice chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes, and other STDs.
- Sexual Performance Anxiety
Learn more from WebMD about sexual performance anxiety and how it can affect your sex life.
- HPV and Pregnancy
Women who have HPV during pregnancy may worry that the virus can harm their unborn child. But in most cases, the human papillomavirus does not affect the developing baby. Learn more from WebMD.
- Ejaculation Disorders in Men
Ejaculation disorders are common sexual problems in men. Find out more.
- Sex Therapy & Other Counseling
Couples facing challenges in the bedroom may want to consider some form of sex therapy.
- Sexual Problems in Women
Learn more from WebMD about female sexual problems, including causes, and treatments.
- Understanding and Treating Painful Intercourse in Women
WebMD explains the possible causes and treatment of painful intercourse.
- Painful Sex in Women (Dyspareunia)
A look at problems that could cause pain during sex for women.
- Genital Itching
A look at what causes genital itching, including how to treat and prevent the discomfort that can occur in both men and women.
- Syphilis and Men Who Have Sex With Men
Learn more from WebMD about syphilis, a potentially dangerous sexually transmitted infection, and infection trends among men who have sex with other men.
- Paraphilias
A look at paraphilias -- such as pedophilia, voyeurism, and exhibitionism -- and how to deal with these uncontrolled sexual impulses.
- Syphilis
Syphilis is a highly contagious disease spread primarily by sexual activity. Learn more about syphilis from the experts at WebMD.
- Sexual Problems in Men
A look at sexual problems in men, including erectile dysfunction and ejaculation disorders.
- Sex Glossary
WebMD's glossary of terms related to sexual health, from abdominal hysterectomy to yeast infections -- and everything in between.
- Your Guide to Sexually Transmitted Diseases
One of the best things you can do to avoid getting a sexually transmitted disease is to become informed. Learn more about STDs from the experts at WebMD.
- Chlamydia
WebMD explains the causes, symptoms, and treatment of chlamydia, a common sexually transmitted diseases that affects women and men.
- Circumcision: Benefits and Risks
Get basic facts on circumcision, including the benefits and risks of having it done.
- Vaginitis (Vaginal Infection)
Yeast, bacteria, STDs, even hygiene products can all cause an infection or inflammation in the vagina. Effective treatment depends on the right diagnosis.
- Frequently Asked Questions About Sexual Health
WebMD answers common questions about circumcision, male menopause, birth control, and more.
- Pelvic Exam
A pelvic exam involves a physician looking at a woman’s vulva, uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes, ovaries, bladder, and rectum to spot signs of illness.
- Understanding Male Sexual Problems -- the Basics
WebMD provides an overview of men's sexual problems, including possible causes.
- Understanding Chlamydia: Diagnosis and Treatment
Read about the diagnosis and treatment of chlamydia, a sexually transmitted disease (STD).
- Understanding Chlamydia – Symptoms
Learn the symptoms of chlamydia, which is a sexually transmitted disease (STD).
- Tests for Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
WebMD provides a brief overview of tests for sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs.
- Symptoms of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
WebMD lists common symptoms associated with sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs.