1 of 5 / Overview
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What Is Heart Failure?
Explore heart failure: its types, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments to improve heart health and quality of life.
Understanding Heart Failure
Heart failure is described as a where the heart struggles to pump blood effectively, often due to weakened or stiff heart muscles.
A Glossary of Heart Failure Terms
Explore A to Z glossary of heart failure terms, such as Ablation, Angiogenesis, Holter Monitor, Maze Procedure, and many more.
Answers to Common Questions About Heart Failure
Learn the key differences between heart failure, heart disease, and heart attack, tips on managing symptoms, and lifestyle changes.
2 of 5 / Symptoms & Types
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Heart Failure Symptoms
The symptoms of heart failure may be mild, moderate, or severe, depending on how weak your heart is.
Understanding Heart Failure -- Symptoms
Heart failure symptoms: breathlessness, swelling, cough, fatigue, weight gain, dizziness, and irregular heartbeats from fluid buildup.
Congestive Heart Failure: What Happens?
Congestive heart failure means the heart can't pump blood effectively, causing fluid buildup, swelling, and fatigue.
Difference Between Heart Failure and Heart Attack
Heart attacks happen suddenly from blocked arteries; heart failure develops gradually as the heart weakens, leading to fluid buildup.
3 of 5 / Causes and Diagnosis
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High Blood Pressure and Heart Failure
Hypertension is a major risk factor for HF. Two-thirds of people whose hearts can't pump enough blood also have high BP.
Medications That Can Cause Heart Failure
Heart failure is often caused by other health problems, like heart disease or diabetes. But common medications can also bring it on.
How Are Heart Failure and Sleep Related?
Sleep is important, whether your heart is healthy or not. It helps your heart as well as your energy levels and overall health.
Heart Failure Treatment and Diagnosis
Heart failure means that your heart isn't working as efficiently as it should. Explore its diagnosis and treatments.
4 of 5 / Treatments
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Heart Failure Treatment
Heart failure care involves meds, surgeries, lifestyle changes, and team support for holistic management.
Heart Failure Treatment by Stage
Heart failure treatment by stage guides care and lifestyle changes, as outlined by AHA/ACC, ensuring progressive management.
Treatment Options for End-Stage Heart Failure
End-stage heart failure treatments include drugs, devices, transplants, and palliative care, focusing on quality of life.
Stem Cells for Heart Failure Treatment
Stem cell therapy offers hope for repairing heart damage; clinical trials explore its potential in treating heart failure.
5 of 5 / Living With & Complications
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Living With Heart Failure
The article addresses many lifestyle questions you may have and offers tips that should make performing daily activities easier.
How Does Your Body Try to Make Up for Heart Failure?
Heart failure doesn’t mean your heart has stopped; it means the heart can’t pump enough blood to meet your body’s oxygen needs.
Heart Failure and a Low-Sodium Diet: What to Know
Low salt intake is one of the most effective ways to alleviate heart failure symptoms. Sodium helps fluid balance in the bloodstream.
What Problems Can Heart Failure Cause?
As your heart works harder, it may become weaker. Your body gets less oxygen, affecting organs like the lungs, kidneys, and liver.
Suggested Reads about Heart Failure
How a Widow Maker Heart Attack Happens
Women may have different symptoms before this type of heart attack. Discover what happens when your main artery becomes completely blocked.
Warning Signs of Cardiac Arrest
Four signs that could signal sudden cardiac arrest and why you shouldn’t ignore them.
A Deep Dive Into Heart Failure
The human heart is a marvel, but a diagnosis of heart failure is a big deal. Find out what that means, what the stages are, and how it is treated.
Video on Heart Failure Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
Heart failure sounds scary, but you can treat it and live a full life. Here are the common symptoms and treatments.
Top Search Terms for Heart Failure
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