1 of 10 / Overview
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ADHD in Children
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a difference in brain development that can affect ability to focus and self-control.
ADHD in Preschoolers
Research shows that kids who show symptoms of ADHD around age 3 may go on to meet the criteria for a diagnosis when they are 13.
ADHD in Boys
Some researchers think that being male may put you at higher risk for ADHD.
ADHD in Girls
ADHD is often thought of as a "boys' disorder." But it's important to note that ADHD can look different in girls.
2 of 10 / Types
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Types of ADHD
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) has identified three types of ADHD. Each has different symptoms and treatments.
ADHD: Hyperactive-Impulsive Type
Your child can't sit still. They are talking a mile a minute. Are they just a high-energy kid? Or do they have ADHD?
ADHD: Inattentive Type
If your child constantly has trouble focusing, there's a chance they might have the inattentive type of ADHD.
Complex ADHD
Two out of three kids with ADHD have one or more problems with learning, behavior, or mood. Doctors call this complex ADHD.
3 of 10 / Symptoms
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ADHD Symptoms in Children
ADHD symptoms usually show up when children are young—around school age. But you might notice them much earlier.
When ADHD Symptoms May Be Something Else
Before you jump to any conclusions, consider what else could be causing these behaviors that look like ADHD.
Dyscalculia: What to Know
Dyscalculia is a math learning disability or mathematics learning disorder. It can be associated with ADHD.
Does ADHD Affect Handwriting?
If you or your child has ADHD and less-than-perfect penmanship, you may have wondered if there's a connection.
4 of 10 / Causes & Risks
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ADHD vs. Non-ADHD Brain
Some studies have found that different parts of the brain may be smaller in those with ADHD.
ADHD and Dopamine: What's the Link?
If your child has ADHD, they may have low levels of a brain chemical called dopamine.
Trauma, Kids, and ADHD: Is There a Link?
Sometimes, going through a traumatic event can cause attention problems. But trauma and ADHD can be confused in diagnosis.
5 of 10 / Tests & Diagnosis
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When to See the Doctor
If you suspect that your child might have ADHD, start with a visit to their pediatrician.
What Type of Doctor Should My Child See for ADHD?
When you find out your child has ADHD, you can turn to a team of pros who can get them the right treatment.
ADHD Tests
There's no single test to diagnose ADHD. The doctor will talk with the parents about ADHD symptoms they have seen.
Conners Scale for ADHD Assessment
If you suspect you or your child might have ADHD, your doctor has many ways to make a diagnosis. One is an ADHD rating scale.
6 of 10 / Treatment
View AllADHD Treatment in Children
Treatment can help your child with ADHD in school, social situations, and at home.
Therapy for Childhood ADHD
If your child has been diagnosed with ADHD, your doctor will probably recommend behavior therapy as a treatment.
Family Therapy for Childhood ADHD
Family therapy can help support your child with ADHD and help your whole family work better together, with lasting results.
The Costs of Childhood ADHD
When you have a child with ADHD, the costs may be high thanks to regular doctor visits, prescription medications, and therapy.
7 of 10 / Parenting
View AllDoes Parenting Play a Role in ADHD?
Many people believe that bad parenting causes the condition. Don’t blame yourself. ADHD is a brain disorder.
Tips and Tricks for Parenting Children With ADHD
Being the parent of a child with ADHD can be frustrating. Here are some tips that can help make your lives easier at home.
Tips to Help Your Child With ADHD Behave
Whether your child with ADHD is young or a teen, you can show them you’re firm but fair (and fun) by doing two key things.
How to Help Your Child Improve Their Working Memory
One challenge for children with ADHD is limitations with working memory -- the ability to hold on to info long enough to use it.
8 of 10 / School
View AllHow to Help Your Child Succeed at School
ADHD affects your ability to pay attention, concentrate, and remember. These things can make school hard for children.
When a Teacher Recognizes ADHD Symptoms
Teachers are often the first ones to recognize or suspect ADHD in children. But teachers can't diagnose ADHD.
IEP for Kids With Disabilities
An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a special education plan for children with disabilities.
6 Ways a Child With ADHD Can Study Better
for a child with ADHD, homework time can be extra hard. Assignments that might take other kids an hour can take yours longer.
9 of 10 / Living With
View AllFood Dye and ADHD
No conclusive evidence has been found to show that food coloring causes ADHD. Yet some studies have suggested an association.
What Is the Feingold Diet?
The Feingold diet is designed to help kids with symptoms of ADHD, dyslexia, and other learning disabilities.
Exercise for Children With ADHD
To release restless energy, kids with ADHD need to get plenty of exercise.
How ADHD Can Affect Your Family
When a child or other family member has ADHD, it can shift routines and relationships in ways that affect the whole family.
10 of 10 / Complications
View AllSuggested Reads about ADHD in Children
Nondrug Treatments for ADHD -- Do They Work?
There's a strong desire for effective nondrug treatments, but do they really reduce ADHD symptoms?
ADHD: Ensure Back to School Success
An IEP is a unique blueprint schools use to support your child's learning and development.
Video Quiz on Childhood ADHD
Who's more likely to get diagnosed with ADHD -- boys or girls? Can some kids outgrow it? Test your knowledge.
What's Up With Your ADHD Kid's Behavior?
Is your ADHD kid unable to sit still? Do they have problems focusing? Take this WebMD quiz to learn how to help motivate them.
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- ADHD in Children Reference
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- Brain and Nervous Center
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- Overview
- Types
- Symptoms
- Causes & Risks
- Tests & Diagnosis
- Treatment
- Parenting
- School
- Living With