ADD-ADHD Medical Reference
- Azstarys: Understanding Its Role in ADHD Treatment
Azstarys is a combination of two stimulant medicines. Here’s how it treats ADHD.
- How Do Socioeconomic Disadvantages Impact ADHD?
Find out how income, family background, and other factors can affect ADHD diagnosis and treatment.
- Vocational Rehab for Adult ADHD
Just because you have adult ADHD doesn’t mean you can’t land a great job. Learn more about how this service can help.
- Can ADHD Get Worse?
Learn how aging, substance use, and environment can impact your disorder.
- How ADHD May Lead to Trouble With the Law
Learn why ADHD symptoms like poor impulse and emotion control can lead to legal issues.
- Adult ADHD and PTSD: What’s the Link?
Researchers are learning more about the connection between PTSD and ADHD. If you have one condition, you’re more likely to also have the other.
- Adult ADHD and Childhood Trauma: Is There a Link?
We don't know what causes ADHD. But there’s a strong association between childhood trauma and adult ADHD. Here’s a deeper look at the connection.
- How ADHD Can Affect Your Marriage
ADHD can cause a wide range of problems for couples. But there are ways to manage it together and build a deeper relationship.
- Adult ADHD: What Are Functional Impairments?
Your symptoms can lead to problems that affect you at home, work, and socially. Here’s what you need to know.
- Adult ADHD and Internet Addiction
It’s possible to get hooked on the internet, especially if you have untreated ADHD. Here’s how to stop it from taking a major toll on your life.
- Diagnosing ADHD and Autism in Adulthood
The symptoms of ADHD and autism often overlap, so it’s no surprise that some people aren’t diagnosed until adulthood. Here’s what to look for.
- Managing Your Finances With ADHD
Managing money can be a challenge for anyone, but having ADHD throws extra twists into the mix. Follow these tips to stay on top of your financial game.
- ADHD and Your Menstrual Cycle
If you have ADHD and also have periods, each of these things can impact the symptoms of the other. Find out why and how you can manage these effects.
- Parenting When You Have ADHD
Learn ways to overcome your challenges and thrive as a parent.
- Adult ADHD: Statistics and Facts
Find out who’s most likely to be diagnosed and treated with ADHD as an adult.
- Tips to Organize Your Home With ADHD
Try these strategies to tame clutter and keep your home in order.
- ADHD and Menopause
Can menopause make your ADHD symptoms worse?
- Is Memory Loss ADHD, or Something Else?
ADHD can make you forgetful, but so can a lot of other things. Find out whether your memory loss is part of your ADHD or a sign of a more serious problem.
- How to Manage an Employee With ADHD
Working with employees with ADHD? Learn ways to help them succeed at work.
- Does ADHD Cause Antisocial Personality Disorder?
Can ADHD cause you to develop antisocial personality disorder? Learn whether there’s a link between these conditions.
- Adult ADHD and Burnout
Exhausted? Irritable? Failing at work? If you have ADHD, you may have burnout. Here’s how to break the ADHD burnout cycle.
- Amino Acids for ADHD
Some studies have looked at amino acid levels and amino acid supplements in ADHD. Overall, the evidence that ADHD supplements will help with adult ADHD is lacking.
- Common Workplace ADHD Problems and How to Fix Them
ADHD can create problems for adult employees. Learn ways to manage ADHD at work with practical tools and strategies, and when to ask for accommodations.
- Adult ADHD in Black, Indigenous, and People of Color
White people are diagnosed with ADHD much more often than people who are Black, Indigenous, or of color. Learn why and what can be done to bridge the gap.
- Can Adult ADHD Go Into Remission?
What’s known about adult ADHD remission and what it means for people with ADHD.
- What Are Noradrenergic Medicines for ADHD?
Noradrenergic agents for ADHD are medicines that change levels of brain chemicals to improve attention, memory, and other ADHD symptoms.
- Tips to Improve Your Social Skills With ADHD
ADHD symptoms like inattention and hyperactivity might make it difficult to respond to social cues. Here are some tips to master your social skills.
- ADHD: Medications, Alcohol, and Marijuana
ADHD can make you more likely to misuse alcohol and marijuana. Learn more about why, what the possible side effects are, and how to get help.
- What Does It Mean to ‘Mask’ Adult ADHD?
When you “mask” adult ADHD, it means you hide your symptoms from other people. Here are the pros and cons of doing that.
- ADHD: Latest Research
Here’s what some of the most recent research says about ADHD symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and more.
- What’s Going On With My Child’s Behavior?
Learn how to tell whether it’s normal rowdy kid stuff or the signs of ADHD.
- Why Can’t I Focus?
Certain habits and health issues can shorten your attention span. Learn what to look out for and how to get back on track.
- How to Manage ADHD Medication Rebound
Children who take ADHD medication may have periods where their symptoms begin to flare. Doctors call this a “medication rebound,” which happens when your child’s brain reacts to their medicine wearing off. Find out what the symptoms of medication rebound are, why it happens, and how to avoid it.
- Living Well With Adult ADHD
Healthy habits in your daily life can help you better manage the symptoms of ADHD.
- The Costs of Adult ADHD
ADHD can come with high out-of-pocket costs, both direct costs of care and additional costs for therapy and coaching if you choose to get them.
- Newly Diagnosed With Adult ADHD? Here’s What to Know
A diagnosis of adult ADHD brings many questions. Learn what you can expect and how to get treatment and support.
- When Your ADHD Meds Stop Working
ADHD meds work for most people, but not everyone. Learn why they may stop working and what you should do if that happens.
- ADHD in Older Adults
There’s little knowledge on how ADHD affects older adults. But getting an accurate diagnosis can improve your quality of life.
- ADHD in Women
There's little knowledge on how ADHD affects adult women. Experts say undiagnosed and untreated ADHD in women can lower their quality of life.
- ADHD: How to Be More Attentive
Learn the many simple habits you can form to increase your focus when you have ADHD.
- ADHD: How to Ask for the Support You Need
If you have ADHD, you may tend to try to manage things on your own, or maybe you know that you need help but don’t know where to start. Learn about how to talk with your loved ones about ADHD and where to find community support, both in-person and online.
- Ritalin vs. Strattera for ADHD
Strattera and Ritalin are medicines children and adults can take to manage their ADHD symptoms. They work in different ways and have different side effects.
- Misdiagnosed ADHD: Conditions With Overlapping Symptoms
Sometimes ADHD symptoms are actually something else. Learn how these and symptoms of other conditions can overlap.
- A Brief History of ADHD
The condition we now call ADHD was first identified in 1798 by Sir Alexander Crichton. Learn more about the history of ADHD and its treatments.
- Adderall and Sleepiness
Adderall is a stimulant that can help with symptoms of ADHD, but you may feel tired or even sleepy when you take it. Find out why and how you can manage this surprising side effect.
- ADHD Facts and Statistics
You might know someone who has ADHD. But how much do you know about this most common childhood brain disorder? Find out how it affects adults, famous people who have it, and other facts and statistics.
- Can EEG Diagnose ADHD?
Some doctors use EEG to help diagnose ADHD in children. Called NEBA, here’s how it works and why it’s somewhat controversial.
- Complementary and Alternative Treatments for ADHD
Are there nonmedication options that can help ADHD symptoms? Find out what the science says.
- Is ADHD Causing Your Sexual Problems?
Research suggests that about 40% of men and women with ADHD will have some sexual problems. But there’s a lot you can do to manage any troubles you have.