ADD-ADHD Slideshows
- 11 Great Life Hacks for Those With ADHD
Find out what you need to know about adult ADHD and discover tips and tricks to manage your condition.
- Aiming High: 10 Ways to Reach Your Potential with Adult ADHD
Find out how you can reach your potential with adult ADHD.
- Natural Remedies for ADHD
There's a lot of talk about natural remedies for ADHD. Find out which ones have science behind them.
- What Executive Function Problems Look Like
If you’re always late, can’t keep your tasks on track, and have a really messy desk, you’re not hopeless. You may have executive function problems -- a brain condition that’s similar to ADHD. Check out the common signs.
- How to Use Hyperfocus for Good
Many people with ADHD have a type of intense concentration called hyperfocus. Here’s how to keep it from interfering with your life -- and how to channel it for your advantage.
- Your ADHD Relationship Survival Guide
ADHD can test even the strongest relationships. Learn the ways you and your partner can nip potential conflicts before they flare up.
- Beyond Inattention: How ADHD May Be Affecting Your Life
You know the classic symptoms of ADHD, but do you know the other ways it can show up in your life? Find out how your disorder affects your work, money, relationships, and more.
- 11 Things That Make Adult ADHD Worse
Adult ADHD can make life harder, and some common habits can make your ADHD seem even worse. Find out what they are and how to avoid them.
- How to Stop Wasting Time
Do you ever feel like you worked all day but didn’t get much done? Where does all your time go? Find out how to make the most of your time.
- ADHD in Women and Girls
Women and girls have ADHD, but the signs may be more subtle. WebMD tells you how it may present itself in females.
- Slideshow: Brain Foods That Help You Concentrate
Can brain foods really help you concentrate, or boost memory? Increase your chances of maintaining a healthy brain by adding these "smart" foods and beverages to your diet.
- Celebrities With ADD/ADHD
Which celebrities have ADD or ADHD? WebMD shows you pictures. Plus, find out how they manage their symptoms.
- Daily Living Tips for Adult ADHD
If you have ADHD or you just need to get yourself and your family organized, use these tips to make your day flow smoothly.
- Slideshow: Top Concentration Killers
The truth about multitasking, email overload, nagging thoughts, hunger, and other brain drains of modern life. Pictures show what destroys focus and quick solutions.
- A Visual Guide to ADHD in Adults
Most people think of children when they hear the term attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). But 30%-70% of kids with ADHD continue having symptoms when they grow up. Learn more about ADHD in adults.