HIV AIDS News & Features
Mi experiencia: aumento de peso debido al tratamiento del VIH
- Riesgos asociados con el aumento de peso en el tratamiento del VIH
Descubre qué tipos de problemas de salud debes tener en cuenta si tu tratamiento para el VIH te hace ganar algunos kilos de más.
- Mi experiencia: tratamiento contra el VIH y el aumento de peso
El aumento de peso puede ser un gran problema al tomar medicamentos para el VIH. Lee las experiencias de quienes viven con el virus.
- Cómo perder peso de manera segura durante el tratamiento del VIH
Obtén consejos prácticos sobre dieta y ejercicio para ayudarte a perder el peso ganado después de tomar medicamentos para el VIH.
- Mi experiencia con el aumento de peso durante el tratamiento del VIH
Una mujer relata cómo cambios en su estilo de vida le ayudaron a controlar el aumento de peso tras iniciar el tratamiento para el VIH.
- Riesgos del aumento de peso por el tratamiento del VIH
Descubre qué tipos de problemas de salud debes tener en cuenta si tu tratamiento para el VIH te hace ganar algunos kilos de más.
- Cómo bajar de peso de manera segura durante el tratamiento del VIH
Obtén consejos prácticos sobre dieta y ejercicio para ayudarte a perder el peso ganado después de tomar medicamentos para el VIH.
- Mi experiencia: el tratamiento del VIH y el aumento de peso
El aumento de peso puede ser un gran problema al tomar medicamentos para el VIH. Lee las experiencias de quienes viven con el virus.
- Lo que quiero que sepas sobre vivir con VIH
Descubre lo que las personas con VIH positivo quieren que sepas sobre las realidades de vivir con el virus.
- Twice-Yearly Injection Promises 100% HIV Protection
July 24, 2024 — A twice-yearly injection to prevent HIV could dramatically alter the course of an epidemic that has lead to the deaths of more than 40 million people since the 1980s. Here's what to know.
- Some Moms With HIV May Breastfeed, Pediatricians Say
May 20, 2024 — People with HIV may consider breastfeeding their newborn babies because the benefits may outweigh the very small risk of transmitting the virus through breast milk, the nation’s largest group of pediatricians now says.
- Low HIV Levels Linked to ‘Almost Zero’ Risk of Sexual Transmission
July 24, 2023 — People with undetectable or very low HIV levels have zero or “almost zero” risk of transmitting the virus sexually if they are taking suppression medication, according to new guidelines from the World Health Organization.
- U.N. Agency Says AIDS Could Be Ended by 2030
July 14, 2023 — AIDS could be ended as a public health threat by 2030 if political leaders follow the science, invest enough money, and confront inequalities, a report from a United Nations agency says.
- Menopause May Start Earlier for Aging Women With HIV
June 27, 2023 — Studies show that early menopause may occur 5 years earlier in women with HIV than in women without HIV. Here's what to know.
- New HIV Cases Decline, But Prevention Still Falls Short: CDC
May 24, 2023 — The number of people diagnosed with HIV each year in the U.S. continues to decline, according to new CDC data released Tuesday.
- 'Morning After Pill' for STDs Shows Promise in Limiting Disease
May 8, 2023 — The 2023 federally funded study shows that study participants who reported having a sexually transmitted infection in the past year reduced their risk of renewed infection by two-thirds with the protection of the antibiotic.
- My Experience: HIV Treatment and Weight Gain
Weight gain can be a big problem when you take HIV medication. Two Black gay men share their stories of how they’re tilting the scales in their favor.
- HIV Infections Could Spike After Ruling on Affordable Care Act: Experts
March 30, 2023 — Ending coverage of the medication known as PrEP, which was mandated for health insurers under the Affordable Care Act, will result in at least 2,000 new HIV infections within a year, experts said.
- Multiracial Woman ‘Possibly Cured’ of HIV
March 17, 2023 — The middle-aged woman who had HIV but has been in remission after receiving an umbilical cord stem cell transplant more than five years ago for her leukemia is now considered “possibly cured.”
- Man in Germany Cured of HIV With Stem Cells
February 21, 2023 — A 53-year-old man in Germany has been declared cured of HIV.
- Highly Anticipated HIV Vaccine Fails in Large Trial
January 19, 2023 — The only HIV vaccine nearing the completion of testing trials is not effective at preventing HIV, officials announced Wednesday.
- Family Planning With HIV
There are many ways to start a family when living with HIV. Taking your medication is the first step.
- Can You Breastfeed If You Have HIV?
Breastfeeding isn’t recommended for women living with HIV in the U.S., but doctors should support patients who choose to breastfeed their babies if their HIV is suppressed by medication, and talk about safe options, experts say.
- Who Should Be Allowed to Donate Blood?
Many believe the U.S.’s blood donation policy is out of date and discriminatory. But what might a more science-based approach look like?
- Beating HIV Stigma: Undetectable Equals Untransmittable
The stigma of being HIV-positive can be more deadly than the virus itself. It’s essential that we as a society work to eliminate that stigma.
- Risks Associated With HIV Treatment Related Weight Gain
Find out what kinds of health problems you need to watch out for if your HIV treatment causes you to put on some extra pounds.
- Safely Losing Weight on HIV Treatment
Get some practical diet and exercise tips to help you lose weight that you gained after taking HIV medications.
- My Experience: HIV Treatment Weight Gain
A woman explains how lifestyle changes helped her manage weight gain that began after she started treatment for HIV.
- Aging With HIV
With new treatment and a better understanding of HIV, many people are living longer, healthier lives with the virus. Almost half of all HIV-positive people in the United States are older than 50. Find out why people are living longer and how to control complications as you age.
- HIV: Getting Past the Fear
Knowing your HIV status is critical for staying healthy or getting help if you need it. Learn how you can put fear aside and take steps to protect both your health and that of those you love.
- Living With HIV: Stress and Side Effects
An HIV diagnosis will change your life. It brings with it both physical symptoms and emotional stress. But there are things you can do to take charge of your condition, manage your symptoms, and thrive.
- What I Want You to Know About Living With HIV
Learn what people who are HIV-positive want you to know about the realities of living with the virus.
- HIV and Fitness
Having HIV doesn’t excuse you from exercise. If anything, it makes it more important. Here’s why.
- Talking About Being HIV-Positive
Discussing your HIV status isn’t easy, but these expert tips and resources can help the process go more smoothly.
- The Importance of Starting ART Right Away
When you’re diagnosed with HIV, your doctor will want you to start antiretroviral therapy (ART) as soon as possible -- even the same day, if you can. Find out why it’s important to start treatment immediately.
- How Complementary Therapy Helps Manage HIV
Complementary therapies can make you feel better when you’re living with HIV.
- HIV/AIDS and Mental Health Issues
People with HIV or AIDS are more likely to have mental health problems. Why? What can be done to help?
- Is an HIV Cure Possible?
Very few people have been reported “cured” of HIV. Read what researchers are learning from them.
- HIV and Pregnancy
With planning, medications and quick action, it is possible to be HIV positive and have a healthy baby.
- HIV and Your Diet: Countering Weight Loss
If you have HIV, nutrition is key. WebMD offers tips on getting the calories you need and minimizing the symptoms that make eating more difficult.
- Living Longer and Aging With HIV
Although HIV makes it more complicated, you can live well into middle age and beyond. Find out how HIV will affect you as you get older and how to plan ahead.
- Eat Right When You Have HIV
A nutritious diet is key when you have HIV. Learn what you should eat to improve your energy and strength, and avoid complications.
- 3 Things Alicia Keys Does to Feel Good
For a woman with a catalogue of famous songs credited to her, Keys cites just one as the soundtrack for her life: Nina Simone’s “I’m Feeling Good.” Here are some ways Keys “feels good.”
- Alicia Keys Gives Back to Kids Affected by HIV and AIDS
Music star and new mom Alicia Keys tells WebMD what drives her to travel the world to help kids affected by AIDS. Plus how you can help!
- Alfre Woodard Helps AIDS Orphans
The 'Memphis Beat' star supports It Takes a Village, a charity devoted to helping South African children with HIV/AIDS.
- Can You Avoid HIV Complications?
It takes effort to stay healthy with HIV, but the right moves can help you keep other health problems at bay.
- Actress Gloria Reuben: AIDS Activist
Gloria Reuben advocates for AIDS research
- A Man with HIV
What is it like to live with HIV infection? A young man tells WebMD his story.
- A Woman with HIV
What is it like to live with HIV infection? A young woman tells WebMD her story.
- AIDS in U.S. Marches On
The U.S. had some 40,000 new HIV infections in 2001. That's when the CDC set a goal of cutting this number in half by 2005. As of 2004, the estimated annual number of HIV infections is still 40,000.