Lupus News & Features
Disparities in Health Care and Lupus
- Unlocking Lupus: Potential Cause and Cure Identified
July 10, 2024 — Researchers have identified a possible cause of lupus that could lead to a cure for the life-threatening condition, potentially stopping the immune system from mistakenly waging a nearly full-body attack on itself.
- Headaches With Lupus Are Common. Are They Actually Migraine?
August 4, 2023 — More than half of Americans with the most common form of lupus regularly get headaches. New research now shows that these often are not just normal headaches.
- Do You Have Other Relatives with Lupus?
Learn some ways you can respond if you have relatives with lupus.
- Lupus and Additional Diagnosis. How Common, How Serious and Why?
Learn more about lupus.
- Choosing the Best Sunscreen if You Have Lupus
People with lupus need to be extra careful about protecting their skin from the sun. Find out what your skin needs.
- It Takes Two: How Couples Maintain Love and Intimacy When One of Them Has Lupus
How Couples Maintain Love and Intimacy When One of Them Has Lupus
- Living With Lupus: ‘One Day, You Can Feel Fantastic, and the Next Day, You Can’t Move’
Living with lupus is unpredictable, and you must learn how to adjust to a chronic illness.
- Chill Factor: How Lupus Patients Can Avoid the Anxiety of Cyberchondria
Experts tell us how you can research lupus on your own – without freaking out.
- Support System: Three Sisters’ Nonprofit Champions ‘Lupus Warriors’
Women tell their stories about lupus and seek understanding that is sometimes hard to find from co-workers, classmates, and friends.
- Lupus-Related Fatigue
People with lupus tend to feel extremely tired when they have a flare-up. Here is what you need to know about lupus-related fatigue and its management.
- Toni Braxton has Lupus
Toni Braxton was diagnosed with lupus during her residency in Las Vegas. Learn more about her condition here.
- I Like to Decorate My Medical Equipment
While standard medical equipment, such as a stethoscope, are everyday sights, other tools can startle people. That's why I decorate them.
- Some Tips for Starting a Swim Program
Do you want to start a swim program to reap the many benefits of swimming? Here is how to get started.
- Can Coconut Oil Help Manage Lupus?
Coconut oil is one of the many home remedies people speculate can help manage lupus. How true is this? Let's discuss.
- What Do You Do to Connect With Others Who Have lupus Beyond This Group?
A lupus support group is a great way to find people who you can relate to and learn from. Learn about some of the ways.
- Collect Your Thoughts on Building Your Daily Life Around Lupus
Like other serious medical conditions, lupus also has a life-changing effect on a person. Learn how to build your life around it.
- Why You Should Avoid Garlic If You Have Lupus
Learn the health reasons for avoiding garlic if you have lupus.
- The Upside of Lupus
Having lupus may help you get serious about switching to a healthy diet.
- Lupus Symptom Checklist for Your Doctor's Appointment
Before you head to your doctor's appointment, prepare a checklist of your lupus symptoms to get the most from your visit.
- Does Turmeric Help Manage Lupus?
Find out whether turmeric is helpful in managing lupus symptoms.
- How to Manage Mouth Sores
Learn how to manage mouth sores with home remedies, alternative treatments, and prescription medication.
- Hydroxychloroquine and Lupus
Everything you need to know about hydroxychloroquine, an antimalarial drug used to treat lupus.
- Tell Us Your Makeup Tips For Lupus and Rosy Cheeks
How do you put on makeup to cover up rosy cheeks from lupus? Answer a few quick questions to get the conversation started and share your story.
- Selena Gomez’s Lupus Journey
Learn more about celebrity Selena Gomez’s lupus journey and kidney transplant.
- Corticosteroids Used for Lupus
Everything you need to know about corticosteroids for treating lupus.
- How Does Coffee Impact Lupus?
Learn three ways coffee impacts lupus and reduces disease activity.
- How to Manage Hair Loss From Lupus
Learn how you can manage hair loss from lupus with preventative measures and improve scalp health.
- What to Expect Using Apple Cider Vinegar to Manage Lupus
Find out what you can expect when using apple cider vinegar to manage your lupus symptoms.
- The Upside of How Lupus Makes You Think of Yourself
Lupus is a lifelong disease that affects much of your life, but learning to live with this condition can give you new confidence and power.
- 4 Ways to Track How Lupus Is Affecting You
Before you head to your next doctor's appointment, prepare to have a conversation about how your lupus symptoms are affecting your life with a Lupus Impact Tracker.
- What Do You Do About Weird, Unexplained Pains Out of Nowhere?
What do you do about weird, unexplained pains out of nowhere? Answer a few quick questions to get the conversation started and share your story.
- Meet the Woman Walking to End Lupus
Learn more about Lynnore Thames, how she found out she had lupus, and her decades-long journey.
- Teacher to Donate Kidney to Student's Mom
A woman resigned to dialysis treatments three times a week gets a rare gift when a friend shows up at the hospital and asks, “Will you be my kidney sista?”
- Nick Cannon: A Warrior in the Fight Against Lupus
He's changed his lifestyle, not his work ethic, to manage the autoimmune disorder.
- WebMD's My Story: How a Reader Faces Lupus 1 Day at a Time
Karin Gelschus turned her life around when she changed her attitude about her chronic disease.
- WebMD Expert Discussion: Managing Lupus and Work: Is Disability an Option?
In the WebMD Lupus Community, Christine Miserandino discusses work issues, the decision to seek disability, and the ins and outs of the application process.
- Lupus, Sex, and Relationships
WebMD discusses how chronic pain and fatigue associated with lupus can affect your sexual relationships -- and what to do about it.
- Lupus, Skin Care, and Makeup
WebMD discusses how to care for your skin and beauty with lupus.
- Fighting Lupus Fatigue
WebMD talks about ways to combat lupus-related fatigue and also discusses some possible causes of lupus fatigue.
- WebMD 5: Our Expert's A's to Your Top Lupus Q's
Our rheumatology expert answers WebMD community members' questions about systemic lupus erythematosus.Our rheumatology expert answers WebMD community members' questions about systemic lupus erythematosus.
- Lupus and Sex: 8 Ways to Improve Your Sex Life
Symptoms of lupus, such as oral or genital sores, joint pain, and fatigue can make sex uncomfortable or even painful, but there are ways to improve your sex life.
- Fighting Lupus Fatigue and Boosting Energy
If lupus fatigue is a problem for you, here are ways you can try to increase your energy while living with lupus.
- Lupus Medications and Treatments
Medical treatment for lupus has made great strides within the last 50 years. This article will help you understand lupus treatments, lupus medications and side effects, and important lifestyle changes you can make to improve your lupus symptoms.
- Lupus Fog and Memory Problems
If you have lupus and suffer from cognitive difficulties or forgetfulness, you may be experiencing lupus fog. Here’s how to work around some of your concentration and memory problems with lupus.
- Parenting With Lupus
It’s hard to be a parent with lupus, but don’t feel inadequate. Your children can understand and help you better with these tips.
- Lupus on the Job: Your Rights and Responsibilities
If you have lupus, this article will help you understand your rights under the Americans With Disabilities Act, and offer tips on how to talk with your employer about getting the accommodations you need.
- Lupus and Pregnancy: Tips for Living with Lupus While Pregnant
Although less than 50% percent of pregnancies in women with lupus have complications, all lupus pregnancies are considered high-risk. Here’s what women with lupus should know.
- Exercises for Lupus
Exercise can help people with lupus build stronger muscles, prevent joint stiffness, control fatigue, and avoid weight gain. Here’s how to get started exercising when you have lupus.
- Lupus and Family Support
This article offers tips on what to understand about lupus and how you can help support your loved one with lupus.