Psoriasis News & Features
Don’t Let GPP Leave You Isolated
- The Emotional and Mental Toll of GPP
GPP can affect more than just your skin. It can have a large impact on your mental health, too. Learn more about GPP and its emotional effects.
- How GPP Affects Women Differently
GPP in pregnancy, or impetigo herpetiformis, is a very rare but potentially life-threatening skin disorder. Here’s how to spot and treat it.
- Why a GPP Diagnosis Is Challenging
Dale Reisner lived with GPP for decades before he was diagnosed. Thanks to expert medical care he understands his triggers. But this wasn’t always the case.
- Psoriatic Disease in People of Color
Psoriasis patients with skin of color face many challenges. It can be hard to get a diagnosis and the right treatment. Here’s how to advocate for yourself.
- Managing the Comorbidities of Psoriasis
People with psoriasis are more likely to develop heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and psoriatic arthritis. Here’s why, and how to reduce risk.
- Getting Biologics for Psoriasis: What to Know
Biologic therapy is a breakthrough treatment for psoriasis, but what do you need to know before you try it? One woman shares the ups and downs of her biologics treatment journey.
- Ted Danson on Managing His Psoriasis With Humor
April 23, 2024 — Actor Ted Danson was diagnosed with plaque psoriasis when he was 25 years old. Danson, now 76, says he turned to self-deprecating humor in an effort to point out his own flaws with funny quips before anyone else could.
- Why Are People of Color Undertreated for Plaque Psoriasis?
Psoriasis affects all kinds of people and all types of skin. Find out more about the latest treatments for your condition in order to advocate for yourself.
- Living Day to Day With Psoriasis
Lifestyle changes can help improve your psoriasis and your overall health. Follow these expert tips.
- Getting Biologics for Psoriasis: What to Know
Biologic therapy is a breakthrough treatment for psoriasis, but what do you need to know before you try it? One woman shares the ups and downs of her biologics treatment journey.
- Psoriasis and Flaking: Tips to Tidy Up
Psoriasis skin, medicines, and other products can make quite a mess. Here are some tips for tidying up.
- What to Know About Psoriasis
In this webinar, George Han, MD, PhD, explained what causes psoriasis, which health issues can make it worse, how it affects your mental health, and more.
- Psoriatic Disease: An Autoimmune Disease Expert’s View
A rheumatologist explains what to expect when psoriatic disease affects your joints.
- Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Psoriasis Severity
July 26, 2023 — A study found a correlation between vitamin D deficiency and psoriasis severity, indicating that some people who increase their intake of the vitamin could better control this skin condition.
- Experts: Lessons Learned From Patients With Psoriatic Disease
Psoriatic disease can take a toll on physical and emotional well-being. Dermatologists highlight why it’s a tricky condition and what you can do to manage it.
- Resources When You’ve Run Out of Ideas for Your Psoriatic Disease
See what others do to treat their psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, and find ways to get the support you need to live with psoriatic disease.
- COVID-19 and Psoriasis: Is There a Link?
April 19, 2023 — New research is shedding light on how an infection with COVID-19 may reactivate, or even cause, psoriasis.
- Representation in Psoriasis Education and Research
People of color are often not represented in research and clinical studies. Learn what this means for your psoriasis treatment and how it’s changing.
- Equal Access to Plaque Psoriasis Treatment
People of color have long faced barriers to health care. See how this impacts your treatment for plaque psoriasis and how things may be changing.
- Finding Plaque Psoriasis Support from People Who Look Like You
You have an easier time treating your psoriasis – and feel more comfortable as you do – with support from people who look like you.
- What’s Behind Plaque Psoriasis Misdiagnoses in People of Color?
Plaque psoriasis misdiagnosis is common in people of color. Learn the reasons why, how it can affect your health, and what you can do to get better care.
- How Science Has Transformed What We Know About Psoriatic Disease
A look at some of the latest advancements in psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis – and why dermatologists are so vital to prevent severe disease.
- How a Shot Support System Helped Keep Me on Track With My Biologic
Kaleigh Wan is a 26-year-old who takes biologics for her psoriasis. Learn more about how her support system helps with her treatment regimen.
- Being a Young Adult With Psoriatic Disease
Amber McKnight, a 27-year-old New Jersey native, shares her complicated and lengthy journey to get a psoriasis diagnosis.
- How I Decided to Treat My Psoriatic Disease With Biologics
One woman shares her story about her struggle with psoriatic disease symptoms and how she and her doctor chose to try a biologic to treat her disease.
- My Tips for Dealing With Psoriasis
A woman who lives with moderate to severe psoriasis shares ways she manages her condition.
- The Emotional Impact of Psoriasis
How one woman manages the emotional impact of moderate to severe psoriasis.
- When Is a Biologic Right for Psoriasis?
Learn more about how these medications work to fight psoriasis symptoms, and who they're best for.
- Psoriasis Remission: What to Expect
Sometimes, even when your skin is clear, you're not in remission. Learn what psoriasis remission is and how you could get there.
- How Treating Psoriatic Disease Has Changed
From telehealth to new scientific discoveries, specialist Nilanjana Bose discusses the ways in which treating psoriasis are advancing.
- Caring for Your Mental Health Along With Psoriatic Disease
As both a psychologist and a dermatologist, Richard Fried has a unique point of view when it comes to managing your well-being.
- Lowering the Expense of Psoriatic Disease Treatments
Dermatologist Steve Feldman offers his tips and tricks to handling what can be, for some, a high price to pay.
- Can a Biologic Treat My Psoriasis?
A look at the pros and cons of taking biologics to treat your psoriasis.
- What to Know About Clothing and Psoriasis Care
Learn about helpful treatments and clothing tips for people with psoriasis.
- What People With Psoriasis Can Learn From the Pandemic
The pandemic has taught us the value of looking after ourselves -- especially for those with psoriasis.
- 4 Self-Care Lessons from Pop Goddess Lizzo About Living With Psoriasis
Need some inspiration to love your body when you feel uncomfortable in your skin? Lizzo is here to help.
- Expert Hairstyling Tips if You Have Psoriasis
Dermatologists and hair stylists offer expert tips on caring for hair with psoriasis.
- Psoriasis-Friendly Foods Your Cat Can Eat Too
Did you know the foods that are good for your psoriasis can be good for your cat too?
- Why Dogs Lick Psoriasis -- and Other Conditions They Notice
Dogs may have strong reactions to psoriasis and other health conditions in humans. Is it smell? Behaviors? Researchers are studying why.
- Should You Go Gluten Free for Your Psoriasis?
Could a gluten-free diet help if you have psoriasis? Here’s the take from the experts.
- 7 Workout Don’ts That Could Make Your Psoriasis Worse
Exercise is an important part of psoriasis management, but some common mistakes can cause a flare.
- Radically Accepting Life With Psoriasis
How does the concept of radical acceptance help with a chronic illness? Hear from one woman living with psoriasis.
- Psoriasis: Getting Comfortable in My Skin
How do you find psoriasis treatments and remedies that work for you? Learn how four women treat their psoriasis and control skin flares.
- 6 Ways to Build Confidence When You Have Psoriasis
Learn how to feel more confident if your psoriasis has affected your self-esteem.
- Finding the Right Medical Specialist for My Psoriasis
Should you see your regular doctor? A dermatologist? Or someone else? Learn what to look for when you need a specialist to treat your psoriasis.
- My Experience Using Phototherapy to Treat My Psoriasis
Read about what phototherapy was like for these people with psoriasis.
- Everything You Can Eat on the Mediterranean Diet for Psoriasis
The traditional Mediterranean diet is loaded with healthy foods. Learn what it includes.
- Growing Your Own Aloe Vera for Psoriasis
Learn how to grow aloe vera if you want to use it on your skin and you have psoriasis.
- A Makeup Artist's Tips for Psoriasis
Get expert advice on how to wear makeup if you have psoriasis.