Allergies News & Features
New Needle-Free Epinephrine Nasal Spray a ‘Game Changer’
- FDA Approves First Nasal Spray for Allergic Reactions
August 9, 2024 — It's for adults, and for children who weigh at least 66 pounds, who have what are known as type 1 allergic reactions, which include the potentially life-threatening condition called anaphylaxis.
- Babies Exposed to Peanuts Are Less Likely to Be Allergic at Age 12
May 29, 2024 — Babies who regularly ate peanuts up to age 5 were 71% less likely to have a peanut allergy by age 12, according to a new study. Here's what to know.
- Does Local Honey Help With Nasal Allergies?
Some say a spoonful of honey makes the sneezing and sniffling symptoms of pollen allergies go away. Here's what the experts say.
- Xolair a New Weapon Against Food Allergies, but Questions Remain
March 4, 2024 — An old drug offers new tricks for people with multiple food allergies, but costs and access issues could limit its use.
- Are No-Spray Christmas Trees Better for You? What to Know
December 8, 2023 — What to know about no-spray Christmas trees, which may have health and environmental benefits compared to traditional trees that are often sprayed with pesticides.
- Can a Toothpaste Help Protect Adults Allergic to Peanuts?
November 16, 2023 — In an early trial phase, all the people in a study tolerated even the highest dose of peanut protein in a toothpaste designed to desensitize allergic patients
- First Nasal Spray Alternative to EpiPen Needs More Study: FDA
September 20, 2023 — The FDA has requested further study before approving a nasal spray version of the allergic reaction medicine epinephrine.
- Cases of Meat Allergy Linked to Tick Bites on the Rise: CDC
July 28, 2023 — The CDC is calling for more health care providers to become educated about alpha-gal syndrome, an allergy caused by tick bites that may have affected up to 450,000 people in the United States.
- Food Allergies Affect People of Color More than White People
June 15, 2023 — A new study found that people of color have more food allergies than white people and that lower-income people are also more affected by food allergies.
- Dogs, Cats Could Lower Children's Allergy Risk
March 29, 2023 — A study finds that exposure to indoor cats and dogs in utero or early infancy leads to fewer allergy cases in children. Over 65,000 children were tested, and 22% who were exposed to pets had fewer food allergies than those who were not tested.
- Achoo! Pollen Seasons Are Getting Longer
March 8, 2023 — Climate change has caused temperatures to rise in 203 American cities since 1970, contributing to longer allergy seasons in more than 170 of them, the report by Climate Central says. Some areas of the country see first blooms weeks earlier.
- Weather Report: Cold, Then Hot, With Chance of a Runny Nose
February 24, 2023 — Recent extreme swings in temperature and weather across the U.S. can trigger health issues for many people, such as allergies, infections, or worsened heart conditions.
- Sesame Added to FDA’s Allergen Labeling Guidelines
January 4, 2023 — The federal government has added sesame to its list of major food allergens, which already includes milk, eggs, peanuts, and other dietary staples. Foods containing sesame must follow regulatory requirements on labeling and manufacturing.
- Nasal Spray for Allergies Now Available Without a Prescription
July 12, 2022 — According to the product’s website, the medication costs anywhere from $15.99 to $24.99 at Target stores across the country.
- Nasal Polyp Surgery: What to Expect
You might need surgery for nasal polyps if medicine doesn't help. Get details on what you can expect.
- Medications for Nasal Polyps
Doctors can treat nasal polyps. Find out what might work for you.
- Why Do I Have Nasal Polyps?
Nasal polyps are teardrop-shaped growths in your nose and sinuses. Find out more about what causes them.
- Can Early Exposure Fix Food Allergies?
Evidence suggests that slow, sustained exposure to peanuts under a doctor’s care may cut the odds of an accidental reaction down the line in kids and adults.
- How to Survive Spring Allergy Season
Get tips on how to manage your hay fever with drugs, nasal sprays, allergy shots, and more.
- 5 Ways to Beat Spring Allergies
Suffer from seasonal allergies? Here’s how to get fast, easy relief.
- 6 Foods That May Help Curb Your Allergies
Research suggests that following the right diet may help ease allergy symptoms in some people.
- Have Food Allergies? Still Enjoy Summer Spreads
Find out the steps you need to take so you can enjoy barbecues and picnics without having a reaction to your food allergy triggers.
- Get Ready for Spring Allergy Season
If you or your child has allergies, it’s important to prepare for a rise in pollen, bees, and even trigger foods in the spring.
- Sinus Problems: Home Remedies and Tips
Do you have sinus problems? Here's how to make your home kinder to your sinuses.
- Nasacort Spray for Allergies Can Go OTC: FDA Panel
August 1, 2013 — A federal advisory panel has voted to allow Nasacort AQ (triamcinolone acetonide) nasal spray to be switched from prescription to over-the-counter.
- Should You Get Allergy Shots?
If you’ve got seasonal allergies, you might be considering allergy shots as the answer to all your sniffling and sneezing. Here’s the rundown on who should consider them.
- Will Moving Help My Child's Allergies?
Switching locations might be tempting, one allergy expert says, but it's not guaranteed to bring relief.
- 6 Ways to Keep Exercising With Allergies
If you’re an exerciser who loves the outdoors but suffers from allergies, try these tips to help you through pollen season.
- Does Your Child Have a Cold, or Is It Allergies?
WebMD helps you determine whether your child has a common cold or a case of allergies. Learn the symptoms and how to distinguish the two.
- Surprisingly Ouchy Plants
Here are some ways to relieve the discomfort and treat skin abrasions from plants that sting and itch.
- Summer Without Sunburn
By learning a bit about how sun damage happens and taking a few simple precautions, you can enjoy a summer free of sunburn.
- Nasal Allergies and Mold
If you have a mold allergy, it’s important to limit your exposure to mold, especially indoors. Here’s how to prevent household mold development, clean indoor mold, and avoid outdoor mold.
- Foods That May Trigger Pollen Allergies
Learn about oral allergy syndrome, foods that may trigger this condition, and what tests can identify it.
- Serious Food Allergies: How to Keep Your Teen Safe
It's challenging to be the parent of a teenager under the best of circumstances. But if your teen has serious allergies, parents face a whole new set of concerns. Learn how to manage serious allergies and keep your teen prepared at all times.
- Anaphylaxis: Where to Find Information & Support
If your child has serious allergies, you’re not alone. Find support and information about anaphylaxis and severe allergic reactions with WebMD’s guide to anaphylaxis resources.
- 4 Ways to Raise an Allergy-Savvy Child
Dangerous allergies can be frightening, especially for children and teens. Be proactive and safeguard your child from anaphylaxis with these parent-friendly strategies.
- Food Allergies: Protect Your Child at Home and Away
Whether at home or away, dealing with your child’s food allergies can be challenging. Take steps to safeguard your child from cross-contamination, food allergy triggers, and other food allergy dangers.
- Can You Overuse Nasal Spray?
Nasal sprays may ease nasal congestion, but overusing them can backfire into a condition called rhinitis medicamentosa.
- Regional Allergies
Will moving make my allergies go away?
- 3 Questions About Pollen Allergies
WebMD interviews Andy Nish, MD, to get answers to three top questions about pollen, including pollen allergies, pollen types, and pollen masks.
- 3 Questions About Fragrance Allergies
WebMD interviews Clifford W. Bassett, MD, to get answers to three top questions about fragrance allergies, including sources, symptoms, and hypoallergenic and fragrance-free products.
- 4 Reasons Your Allergies Aren't Improving
WebMD explains why your allergies may not be getting any better – from physical causes to medication mistakes.
- Could It Be an Allergy?
Do you have allergies or a cold? WebMD provides some insight into how to recognize signs of various allergies and how your doctor can tell for sure.
- Makeup Tips for Bad Allergy Days
Allergy symptoms like red eyes, runny noses and puffy face have you feeling less like Wonder Woman and more like Ugly Betty? These beauty tips from top Hollywood makeup artists will help.
- Women's Guide to Conquering Allergies
Women's Guide to Conquering Allergies
- Are Allergies Making You Depressed?
Allergy symptoms can drain you and make you feel miserable. Try these simple strategies to conquer allergies and fight depression.
- Are Allergies Cramping Your Sex Life?
Nasal allergies may make you feel anything but romantic. Here's how to get back in the mood.