Eczema News & Features
FDA Approves Nemluvio for Atopic Dermatitis
- How to Choose a Moisturizer
Find out what to look for in a moisturizer to help manage your eczema.
- Laundry Tips To Ease Your Child’s Eczema
Learn about laundry tips to help ease the symptoms of your child’s eczema.
- Innovation and the Future of Atopic Dermatitis Treatment
The future has never looked brighter when it comes to new treatments for atopic dermatitis, or eczema. Here’s what’s in the pipeline.
- When Your Treatment for Atopic Dermatitis Isn’t Working
If your treatment for AD isn’t working, it’s just the start of a process. A growing number of approaches and new drugs can help.
- Advice That Hurts, Advice That Helps With Atopic Dermatitis
All advice is not good advice. Here are some tips on what worked for one woman with atopic dermatitis.
- FDA Approves New Treatment for Persistent Eczema
September 17, 2024 — The new drug is a monoclonal antibody given by injection using a prefilled pen every 2 weeks at first but may be taken just once per month as a maintenance dose.
- Which Comes First: Your Eczema or Your Food Allergies?
July 11, 2024 — Though studies have shown a clear link between dermatitis and food allergies, controversy abounds over which comes first – atopic dermatitis or the food allergy.
- Preventing Eczema Flare-Ups Caused by Makeup
Learn how you can wear makeup without causing flare-ups of your eczema.
- La relación entre la dieta y los brotes en la piel
Si tienes dermatitis atópica puedes hacerte pruebas para ver si hay alimentos que te puedan causar los brotes, el enrojecimiento y la picazón en la piel.
- La dermatitis atópica: cómo dormir lo suficiente
Obtén más información sobre cómo puedes calmar la picazón que acompaña a la dermatitis atópica para que puedas descansar.
- Cómo saber si necesitas tratamiento avanzado para la dermatitis atópica
¿Cuándo es necesario pasar de un tratamiento tópico a uno que aclare la piel en todo el cuerpo? Entérate cómo puedes tomar la decisión con tu dermatólogo.
- Winter Skin Woes? Here’s What to Do – and What Not to Do
December 26, 2023 — Cold winter weather can wreak havoc on our skin, causing painful, itchy outbreaks. Here's what helps, what doesn't, and how to prevent it in the first place.
- Cómo saber si la resequedad en la piel es a causa de la dermatitis atópica
Obtén más información sobre la dermatitis atópica y sus síntomas y la razón por la cual es tan importante que recibas el diagnóstico correcto.
- La dermatitis atópica: qué se debe saber sobre la piel dañada
La dermatitis atópica puede causar brotes con picazón y piel agrietada. Obtén más información sobre cómo te puedes cuidar la piel y prevenir daños adicionales.
- How Atopic Dermatitis Changed My Family’s Life
When a child has atopic dermatitis, it impacts the entire family. One mother shares the story of a journey that began with her son’s first moments of life.
- Challenges of Severe Atopic Dermatitis – and How to Move Forward
Living with atopic dermatitis can mean dealing with unknown triggers, treatment side effects, and emotional ups and downs. Learn tools to help you manage these challenges.
- Love the Skin You’re In: Relating to Your Atopic Dermatitis
Living with atopic dermatitis can be challenging physically and mentally. Learn ways to prioritize your whole health and accept your skin.
- Sticking With Your Atopic Dermatitis Treatment Plan
Atopic dermatitis can be unpredictable, but it’s important to stick with treatment, even when your skin is clear. These five strategies can help with treatment adherence.
- Air Pollution May Be Causing Your Eczema
March 27, 2023 — New research shows that chemicals from car exhaust, wildfires, and cigarette smoke impair our skin’s ability to make healthy oil, making it susceptible to eczema.
- Finding Success With Moderate to Severe Atopic Dermatitis
Karen Chen shares the story of her childhood struggles with eczema to her life now as a thriving medical engineering student.
- My Life With Moderate to Severe Atopic Dermatitis
Ashley Ann Lora has dealt with eczema her entire life. Here, she shares her healing journey towards acceptance and the treatments that made a difference.
- Caring for A Child With Moderate to Severe Atopic Dermatitis
Cassie Larkin's son was diagnosed with eczema mere weeks after his birth. Here, she shares the journey to getting him the care he needed.
- Love in the Time of Eczema: 3 Influencers Get Real About Dating With a Chronic Skin Condition
Social media influencers speak candidly about what it’s like to hook up and couple up while coping with eczema
- Personal Shopper: A Savvy Black Entrepreneur Guides You to Eczema-Friendly Clothes, Creams, Cosmetics, and More
A savvy black entrepreneur guides you on an eczema-friendly shopping spree.
- The 7-Hour Itch: 3 Women With Eczema Describe the Ways They Combat Nighttime Flare-Ups
Three women with eczema describe how they combat nighttime flare-ups.
- A Mother’s Love: The Challenges of Parenting a Child With Eczema
Two moms reveal the great lengths they went to in their determination to give their children relief and good health.
- Working It Out: How to Minimize Eczema Flare-ups at the Gym and on the Job
Three keys to managing your eczema at the gym and then heading off to a productive and itch-free workday.
- Rise and Shine: A Carefully Considered Morning Ritual That Can Brighten Your Day
Strategies for getting ready to be at your best each morning
- Writer of Criminal Justice Has Eczema
Learn How This Writer Bravely Shared His Eczema Story Through His Art.
- Tracking the Cost of Your Eczema Care
Learn how to track and save on the cost of your eczema treatments.
- Tia Mowry Shares Her Experience With Undiagnosed Eczema
After years of dealing with undiagnosed skin problems, Tia Mowry finally discovered she had eczema.
- How to Build Confidence When You Have Eczema
Learn what you can do to build up your confidence when you're dealing with eczema.
- Keeping Dust Mites to a Minimum
Learn how you can get rid of dust mites in your house.
- If You Can Overcome Eczema, You Can Overcome Anything!
The emotional strength you develop in your battle with eczema can help you deal with other struggles as well.
- Do Hand Sanitizers Cause an Eczema Flare?
Find out how you can practice good hand hygiene without causing your eczema to flare up.
- How Do You Explain That Eczema Is More Than an Itch?
Eczema can take an enormous toll on your emotional wellbeing, but how do you explain that to people?
- Flare-Up Tracker Eczema Care
Here are six causes of eczema flare-ups.
- What to Know About the New FDA Approved Eczema Treatment Opzelura
Learn everything you need to know about Opzelura, the newly FDA-approved medicine to treat eczema.
- Advice on Managing Topical Steroid Withdrawal
Dealing with topical steroid withdrawal, a rare complication of eczema.
- What You Need to Know About Keratoconus
Learn more about keratoconus, a rare eye condition.
- Finding Role Models with Eczema
Learn how to find role models with eczema.
- Eczema and Black Skin
Everything You Need to Know About Eczema on Black Skin.
- 3 Tips for Making Sure Your Pet Doesn't Make Things Worse
Learn how to live with a pet and manage your eczema.
- Nicole Kidman and Her Itchy Red Hands
Learn more about celebrity Nicole Kidman’s experience with eczema on her hands.
- Tell Us How Eczema is More Than Itchy Skin
How do you deal with eczema flare-ups? Answer a few quick questions about how eczema affects your life.
- JAK Inhibitors Now Used for Eczema
Everything you need to know about JAK inhibitors being used to help relieve itching and disease progression of eczema.
- Exercising With Eczema
Learn three tips for exercising with eczema to avoid flare-ups.
- How to Help Stop Itching in Children With Eczema
Learn how to help your child stop scratching their skin when they have eczema.
- Why Do Some Kids Get Eczema?
Learn why some kids get eczema and what could be the cause.