Adults, How Is Your ADHD Brain Different?

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Having ADHD as an adult can make it hard to focus, complete tasks, and remember details. It can also make you become bored or impatient more easily, hurting your success at work and in personal relationships. While we don't know exactly what causes ADHD, researchers say people with the condition have differences in brain structure, function, and chemistry compared to those without it. In people with ADHD, many regions of the brain are slightly smaller-- especially in the frontal lobe-- affecting concentration and self-control. Chemical messengers in the brain called norepinephrine and dopamine also work irregularly. This causes problems with attention, impulse control, getting organized, and staying on task. The brain also uses blood sugar for energy less efficiently, especially in the premotor cortex and prefrontal cortex, regions in charge of physical movement and attention. Neurons in the brain don't connect or communicate with each other like they should, disrupting performance and focus during activities. If you struggle with the symptoms of ADHD, talk to your doctor. Medications and therapy can help. [MUSIC PLAYING]