1 of 7 / Types of Pain
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Pain Classifications
Even though the experience of pain varies from one person to the next, it is possible to categorize the different types of pain.
Chronic Pain
Learn about how chronic pain occurs and why chronic pain sometimes lingers.
Nerve Pain
Neuropathic pain is often described as a shooting or burning pain. It can go away on its own but is often chronic.
Psychogenic Pain
Depression, anxiety, and other emotional problems can cause pain -- or make existing pain worse.
2 of 7 / Symptoms & Causes
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Causes of Chronic Pain
Often conditions that accompany normal aging may affect bones and joints in ways that cause chronic pain.
What's Causing Your Chest Pain?
Certainly chest pain is not something to ignore. But you should know that it has many possible causes.
Burns and Pain
Burns differ in type and severity, as does the pain. Click here for more about the symptoms and treatments of burn-related pain.
Compressed Nerve (Pinched Nerve)
Pinched nerves can sometimes lead to other conditions such as peripheral neuropathy, carpal tunnel syndrome, and tennis elbow.
3 of 7 / Tests & Diagnosis
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4 of 7 / Treatment
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Treating Chronic Pain
Medications, mind-body techniques, and acupuncture can help relieve chronic pain. Learn about your options.
Controlling vasculitis symptoms with Tavneos
Vasculitis is a long-term (chronic) autoimmune disease, where your overactive immune system causes inflammation in your blood vessels, organs, or other tissues.Tavneos is the first medicine approved to help people decrease the use of corticosteroids, while controlling vasculitis symptoms.
Spine Pain and Treatments
If you have painful compression fractures in the spine, both surgical and nonsurgical treatments may be explored.
Treating Foot Pain
To get the right treatment for foot pain, first you need to know the problem.
5 of 7 / Living With
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6 of 7 / Support & Resources
View AllFind a Doctor
Use this directory to find detailed listings of doctors in your area.
Related Website: The Arthritis Foundation
For people who suffer from any form of arthritis, this website is a great resource.
Related Website: National Headache Foundation
Headache sufferers and headache doctors use this as foundation’s website as a resource.
7 of 7 / En Español
View All¿Tengo dolor crónico?
Los médicos suelen definir el dolor crónico como cualquier dolor que dura de 3 a 6 meses o más.
Preguntas frecuentes sobre el manejo del dolor
Ocho preguntas sobre el dolor crónico, respondidas.
¿Cómo encuentran los médicos la causa del dolor?
Si tienes dolor, tu médico tiene muchas formas de descubrir qué lo está causando. Te preguntarán sobre tus síntomas y tu historial médico, incluyendo cualquier enfermedad, lesión o cirugía que hayas tenido.
Las clasificaciones y causas del dolor: dolor neural, dolor muscular y más
A continuación, se ofrece una descripción general de los tipos de dolor y lo que los diferencia entre sí.
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Video on One Man’s Struggle With a Painkiller Addiction
Avery Nix details his first encounter with prescription painkillers and how it led to a full-fledged addiction.
Video on How to Make a Lavender Heating Pad at Home
Convert a few household items into a relaxing way to ease muscle pain.
It’s front and center in most bathroom cabinets to help relieve pain. But are you using acetaminophen in safe amounts?
What Is Medical Marijuana Used to Treat?
More and more states are legalizing marijuana to treat pain and illness. Find out what conditions it’s used for and the known side effects.
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Related Links
- Abdominal Pain
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- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
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- Foot Pain
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- Migraine
- Nerve Pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
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